What's Van Gogh's full name?

Name: Vincent van Gogh.

Birthday:1March 30th, 853

Occupation: painter

Time of death:1July 29, 890.

Faction: Impressionism, Expressionism.

Gender: male

Place of birth: Netherlands

Work organization:

Experience: worked for an art dealer and worked as a missionary.

Masterpieces: potato eater, night coffee, sunflower, starry night, selfie, etc.

Personal data:

Van Gogh committed suicide at the age of 37. As an artist, it was not until shortly before his death that he won the praise of critics for his shocking and imaginative paintings. Within a few years after Van Gogh's death, some painters began to imitate his painting methods. In order to express strong feelings, they can't truthfully reflect the reality. This creative attitude is called expressionism and proved to be a lasting trend in modern painting.