Hello! It can be seen from your discussion that you are an entrepreneurial enthusiast. Haha, like me, I have been studying catering during this time!
As for the photo studio, I think you need the following equipment and knowledge:
1. At least two professional cameras and one video camera
2. Computer , printer
3, mob, lighting
4, developing equipment
5, clothing matching knowledge
6, photo style design
By category:
1. Machine type: one digital camera, one tripod, two memory cards, one card reader, one computer, one printer, scanner One instrument (that can scan films), one main light, two auxiliary lights, one background light, one modeling light, one water dispenser (optional but can improve your service level), laminating machine (You can save money if you also make the photo album yourself, but the production cost will increase), a set of electric background stands
2. Furniture: a reception desk, negotiation table and four chairs, makeup Table and two chairs, four spare chairs, cabinets and lockers for storing cameras, an art workbench and a chair, and several physical backgrounds (you can make them yourself)
3. Other categories: art A set of tools, a set of cosmetics, a number of clothing, a number of various sample books, and a number of various samples.
It is recommended to go to the flea market. Many things can be reused. If your service can keep up, you can spend more on exterior decoration and samples, which can improve the quality of your studio. , it can attract more photos of babies and students living nearby, and it can also attract some family photos during the New Year holidays. If the customer is stable, you can start working on the photo.