A guest showed Wang Wei "Music by Music", and Wang Wei said: "This is the first beat of the third stack of "Neon Shang"." When the guest compared it with the original music, it turned out to be true.

A guest showed Wang Wei "Music by Music", and Wang Wei said: "This is the first beat of the third stack of "Neon Shang"." When the guest compared it with the original music, it turned out to be true. In his later years, Wang Wei sincerely believed in Buddhism. He ate vegetables and wore simple clothes for a long time. He stopped marrying after his wife died and lived alone for thirty years. Wang Wei's villa is located in Wangchuan, south of Lantian County, opposite the pavilion. Wang Wei once described the scenery and peculiar scenery there. Every day, he traveled to the scenic spots with Qiu Wei, Pei Di, Cui Xingzong and other literati, wrote poems, played the piano and drank wine, and enjoyed themselves. Later, he petitioned to turn his residence into a Buddhist temple. Before he died, he wrote a letter to say goodbye to his relatives and friends, stopped writing and passed away. Emperor Daizong sought Wang Wei's articles, and his younger brother Wang Jin compiled his poems into ten volumes and dedicated them to the emperor. His poems and articles are still circulated in the world today. 2. Biography of Li Bai

Bai, named Taibai, Shandong [Shandong] There are many opinions about Li Bai's birthplace, this is one. people. The mother dreamed of Chang Geng Star (Chang Geng Star), also known as Taibai Venus. And birth is due to fate. [Because of his destiny] So he named Li Bai after this. Destiny, naming. He was proficient in the Five Classics at the age of ten, and he dreamed of flowers sprouting from his pen, and he was gifted with talent. [Genius Benyi] His talent was abundant and surpassed that of ordinary people. Support, fill. Yi, beyond, beyond. Famous all over the world. He likes to be active and horizontal, and he is a knight in fencing. [Ren Xia] takes charge of himself with chivalry. Responsible, bear, bear. Light money and good charity. More guests visited Rencheng, [Rencheng] is now Jining, Shandong. He lived with Kong Chaofu, Han Zhun, Pei Zheng, Zhang Shuming, and Tao Mian in Cuilai Mountain, drinking heavily every day, and named him "Zhuxi Liuyi". At the beginning of Tianbao, when he came from Shu to Chang'an, the Tao was not yet vigorous, so he wrote this poem based on his career. He congratulated Zhizhang, read "The Road to Shu is Difficult", and sighed: "You are banishing an immortal." He exchanged golden turtles for wine and had fun all day long, so he recommended him to Xuanzong and summoned Jinluan Hall to discuss current affairs. He wrote an ode to the Emperor's joy. , gave him food, personally made spoons, and ordered him to serve in Hanlin. After being drunk, he came forward and ordered Gao Lishi to take off his boots. The strongman was ashamed and picked out his "Qing Ping Diao" ("Qing Ping Diao"). Three poems were composed into Yuefu. The second one goes: "A branch of rich dew and fragrance, the clouds and rain in Wushan are in vain. May I ask who in the Han Palace is like it? Poor Feiyan relies on new makeup." It quoted the story of Zhao Feiyan in the Han Dynasty. Gao Lishi thought that Li Bai compared "Feiyan" to Yang Yuhuan, Write about how he won favor. The Feiyan incident in the middle angered the imperial concubine. Every time the emperor wanted to have an affair with an official, the concubine would often stop him. Of. Bai Yi Aofang, together with He Zhizhang, Li Shizhi, Ruyang Wangjing, Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, Zhang Xu and Jiao Sui, were called the "Eight Drinking Immortals". He begged to be returned to the mountain, given gold, and ordered to be released. Bai Fu was wandering around, trying to climb Mount Huashan. He rode on a drunken donkey and passed by the county. He didn't know what to do. He got angry and led him to the court, saying: "Who are you? How dare you be rude!" Bai Fu confessed without writing his name and said: "I once ordered a dragon scarf to wipe the vomit and use my hand to wipe it." The imperial concubine is holding an inkstone, and the warrior is taking off his boots. In front of the emperor's gate, it is still possible to ride a donkey. In Huayin County, is it not allowed to ride a donkey?" The emperor was shocked, thanked him and said, "I didn't know Hanlin was here." Bai Chang smiled and left. I took a boat ride and went to Jinling with Cui Zongzhi to quarry rocks. We sat in the palace robes as if there was no one around. Lushan rebelled, Emperor Ming was in Shu, and Yong Wanglin was the sixteenth son of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Jiedu was in the southeast, and during the Bai Dynasty, he was lying on Mount Lu and was appointed as a lieutenant. [Liaozuo] Belongs to officials and officials. Lin rebelled and fled back to Pengze in vain. If Lin is defeated, he will be tied to Xunyang Prison. At the beginning, when I was traveling to Bingzhou, I met Guo Ziyi. I was surprised and saved him from death. As a result, Guo Ziyi asked an official to redeem him and issued an edict to Changliu Yelang. Baiwanjie [Wanjie] old age. Hao Huang and Lao went to Niuzhuji, caught the moon while drinking wine, and then sank into the water. In the beginning, I enjoyed the green hills of Xie's family, but now my tomb is there. There are twenty volumes of collected works, which are popular in the world. Or it says: Bai, Liangwuzhao Wang Hao [Hao] is pronounced gāo. The ninth generation grandson.