In the experience of Minecraft, every game will have Easter eggs. The game Minecraft also has this. I wonder if you guys have noticed it? Let’s talk about it below. Let’s learn about the function of Minecraft Easter eggs together with Kong Gao.
1. When we change the name of the game to special text, the system will reward us with an apple when we die.
2. If your game can be connected to the Internet, then within a few days before and after Christmas, the texture of all boxes will become gift boxes.
3. It is said that the reason why the official version of 1.9 was delayed was that the original author Jeb’s cat vomited on Jeb’s computer.
4. In fact, the falling sand can also be regarded as corpses, so if it is blown up by TNT before it falls to the bottom, fireworks will be produced. Of course, friends, too Its Motion data value can be modified using the entitydata instruction.
5. In fact, sugarcane grows equally fast wherever it is planted, so there is no saying that planting it on sand is faster as other players said.
6. If someone tells you to use soul sand as a dock, don’t believe it, because unexpected things will happen.
7. The experience required will increase with each level up, but enchantment directly consumes level rather than experience points, so it is most cost-effective to go to enchant directly after reaching the level.
8. The producers stated that the ender dragon in Minecraft is actually female.
9. When our minecart is damaged, the car will produce black smoke. This is unique to PE
Minecraft 1.9 Chinese version