The "Homeland" series is a space opera game with a strong religious flavor. Most of the terms in the "Homeland" series are thought to be linked to reality and religion. Below we will discuss I bring you annotations of terms in "Homeland" so that people can better understand its history and the intentions of the production team.
Kushan, the name of the player force in the "Homeland" generation
Kushan Empire. From the first to the third century AD, it was one of the four major powers in contemporary times, the other three being China, Rome, and Persia.
Kadesh, the forces located in the Kadesh Nebula, are united by religious power
Kadesh is located in Syria, Orontes ( An ancient city on the banks of the Orontis River, the threshold of the Promised Land (Note 1) Canaan. In the Bible, the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II was defeated by the West Thais here (Note 2), which is historically known as the Battle of Kadesh, the threshold of the Promised Land of Canaan. When the Israelites were brought here by Moses (note 3), because of their disbelief in God, God allowed the Israelites to wander in the wilderness for thirty-eight years before their descendants were able to enter Canaan. Commonly used translations of this word include: Kadesh, Gaddis, Kadish, etc.
The Promised Land, Note 1: The Promised Land": "Old Testament Genesis" records that the ancestor of the Israelites, Abraham, was pious to God and God made a covenant with him. His descendants will have "a land flowing with milk and honey. ”——Canaan
Hittites, Note 2: The Hi-ttites are an Indo-European language people called Hi-ttite. They were the first people in history to mass-produce and widely use iron tools. Nation. Reached Asia Minor and Mesopotamia and blended with the indigenous Hatti civilization
Moses, Note 3: It is recorded in Exodus that Moses was ordered by God to lead the enslaved Hebrews. After more than 40 years of arduous journey, he escaped from ancient Egypt and headed for the land of Canaan. Under the leadership of Moses, the Hebrews escaped from the miserable life of slavery. , learned to abide by the Ten Commandments, and became the first nation in history to worship a single god.
The desert planet Kharak, where the Hiigarans were exiled, " The "Homeland" first-generation mothership sailed to the location of Katherine for the first time and was reduced to scorched earth by the Titan Empire's atmospheric stripping technology.
Al-Karak is a city in Jordan and the capital of Karak Province in Jordan. According to biblical records, this. The city was once besieged by the three coalition forces of Israel, Judea, and Edom (an ancient nation in Palestine and one of the ancestors of modern Arabs).
Karak (also known as Kerak) was also a Crusader castle built in this city. In 1140, with an altitude of about 1,000 meters, it was the most famous Crusader castle and was of great significance in the history of the Crusades. It was destroyed by Raynald of Chatillon (note 1), the owner of the city. He reached an agreement with the Egyptian king Saladin (Note 2) and attacked the merchant travel between Egypt and Syria, which led Saladin to launch an attack on the Crusader forces in the city in the Battle of Hattin (Note 3) in 1187. The power was defeated, and the city and Jerusalem fell into the hands of Saladin. The Catholic countries launched the Third Crusade to rescue Jerusalem, but failed.
Reynard of Chatillon, Note 1: Antioch. Duke of Antioch (1153-1160), one of the main figures of the Crusaders, went to the Holy Land in 1147 and served King Baldwin III of Jerusalem and Constance, the Duchess of Antioch. In 1153, he married Constance and became the Duke of Antioch. . He was arrogant and brutal. Under the instigation of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I, he attacked Cilicia. Later, he made peace with Thoros II of Cilicia and attacked Byzantium together. of Cyprus
Manuel responded in 1159.
The following year he was captured by the Muslims and detained until 1176. After his release, he returned to Jerusalem. Since Constance died, he married Stephanie (Stephanie), the widow of the lord of Transjordan, in 1177, and thus became the Duke of Krak and Montreal. These new strongholds he gained controlled the Muslim caravan routes. In the summer of 1181, he violated the agreement with Saladin in 1180 and robbed the Muslim caravans, which triggered a war. He sailed five warships into the Red Sea to blockade the Muslim ports, and was later annihilated by the Egyptian fleet in 1186. At the end of the year, he broke the agreement again and robbed a caravan including Saladin's sisters, so another war broke out. He was captured at the Battle of Hattin in 1187 and was probably beheaded by Saladin himself.
Saladin, Note 2: Saladin is famous in the Christian and Muslim world for his outstanding leadership and chivalrous military talents in the Arabs' fight against the Crusades, and is known as a national hero in Egyptian history. A famous military strategist and politician in the medieval Muslim world, the first sultan of the Ayyubid Dynasty of Egypt.
Battle of Hattin, Note 3: The Battle of Hattin was a major battle of the Crusades. It took place on Saturday, July 4, 1187. The result was a victory over the Christian army by the Islamic Sultan of Egypt, Saladin, who captured the king of Jerusalem, Guy, his brother Amalric, Raynald of Chatillon, and Toron. ), Gerard of Reedford, leader of the Knights Templar, Roger de Molins, leader of the Knights Hospitaller, and Bishop Acker died in battle. The holy relics that the Christian troops always carried when fighting were real. The cross was captured by the Muslims
The place where the Turani pirates first appeared in the "Homeland" generation
Tura (Ni) is located in Central Asia, from The land between Kazakhstan and the Altai Mountains includes Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. The Kushen civilization once reached this place during its migration. Gate
Tenhauser Gate, the name of the 11th level in "Homeland"
Tenhauser Gate comes from the end of the classic science fiction film "Blade Runner" Famous lines:
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire
off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the
darkness at Tenhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time,
like tears.. in rain. Time... to die
Finally Loy vs. De What Ka said: "I've seen things you humans would never believe, I've seen battleships on fire off the edge of the constellation Orion, I've watched C-rays shine in the darkness near the Tannhausen Gate, but all of this Moments will eventually disappear in time, just like tears disappear in the rain. "After saying this, Roy said calmly: "Time to die."
In addition, Tannh?user (Tannh?user) is a famous knight and poet in German legend. Tannh?user has been in Venusburg for a long time. One day, he suddenly felt that his sins were serious, so he went to the Pope to seek forgiveness, but the Pope said: Unless the withered staff in my hand grows green leaves, you will never be saved! The frustrated Tannh?user left Rome and went straight to Wiener. But the pope's cane grew green leaves (some say it bloomed) on the day Tannh?user returned to Venusburg.
It is generally believed that this is a legendary story that satirizes the hypocrisy of the medieval church. The opera "Tannh?user" was inspired by this, and the Tannhausen Gate in Blade Runner was inspired by Tannh?user.
Bridge of sighs
The Bridge of Sighs, the name of the 14 levels in "Homeland"
Not only does the Bridge of Sighs exist in reality, but there are three more.
①The original version of the Bridge of Sighs is located in Venice, Italy, and is a famous attraction. Originally called Ponte dei Sospiri, it spanned the narrow waterway between the Doge's Palace and the prison. It is said that prisoners who cross this bridge will never come back to this world, so from time to time, sighs of farewell are heard from the small window on the bridge.
Note: Judging from the loading map of the "Homeland" generation, the Bridge of Sighs is not far from Hiigara. This is a sign that the Kushen people's return road is getting farther and farther, and they can no longer return to Karak. A sigh from the past. It is also a sigh that the ancient Hiigarans may have passed through during their exile thousands of years ago and lamented that they could not return to Hiigaran
② Located to the left of St. John's College, Cambridge University, England, there is a Bridge of Sighs spanning the Cantonese. River (Cam River). The bridge was named in honor of the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. (River Cam. Reminds me of "Farewell Cambridge")
③Hertford Bridge at Oxford University is also known as the Bridge of Sighs and the Venice Bridge. The reason is said to be that the bridge is similar to the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. Although both bridges connect two different buildings, in terms of appearance, this bridge is more like the Rialto bridge on the Grand Canal in Venice.
Vaygr, the invading force in Homeland II
Vaygr is similar in spelling and pronunciation to the Russian Varyg or Varyag. That is Viking. In addition, in ancient Icelandic (Viking), Vagyr means wolf, or atheist. However, the Weigel Army in the game is more like the Mongolian army. Many independent tribes from the east, under an emerging leader, invaded the west and were invincible.
Tannis, the construction site of the second mothership in "Homeland" 2, was destroyed during the Weigel Offensive
Tannis is the Egyptian The ancient city was called Djanet in Egyptian and Zoan in the Bible. This city is located in the Nile Delta. It was an important port in ancient Egypt and an important archaeological site today. It is also the location of the Ark of the Covenant in the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Chimera station
Chimera outpost, an outpost near the ruins of Tanis, was destroyed during the Weigel offensive
Chimera The Chimera is a monster in Greek mythology, characterized by a lion's head, a goat's body, a snake's tail, and the ability to breathe fire. Often used in mythological or fantasy stories. Later it was also extended to become a hybrid monster. This term is also used in modern biotechnology to express chimera organisms that mix genes from two different organisms.
Sarum, the location of the second and third levels of "Homeland", is located on the border of the Hiigaran controlled area
Sarum, or Old Sarum, is An ancient British city with a rich history. It is located about three kilometers north of present-day Salisbury (Salisbury, or NEW Sarum). (Stonehenge in England is nearby)
Gehenna asteroid belt, the location of the fifth level of "Homeland" 2, where the Oracle is located
The purgatory referred to in the Bible, where evildoers will suffer, is derived from the Hebrew GaiBen-Hinnom (Valley of the son of Hinnom, the valley of the children of Hinnom), which is also referred to as Gai-Hinnom, or Gehinnom.
This valley was originally a rubbish burning place south of the city of Jerusalem. Moloch worshipers sacrificed their children to the god with fire here, and the bodies of executed prisoners were also disposed of here. Therefore, thoughts such as fire, uncleanness, and suffering are involved here.
Keepers of Abassid
Keepers of Abbasid, self-proclaimed guardians of the ancestors
Abbasid refers to the Abbasid dynasty, the second hereditary Arab Empire dynasty. During the reign of this dynasty, the Islamic world in the Middle Ages reached its peak. Later it was destroyed by the Mongols.
Eye of Arran
The Eye of Arran, the entrance to the ancient hyperspace network opened in the ending animation of "Homeland" 2
Arran's word in Heber In the original language, it means a towering mountain or inspired by God.
The territory of the Kushan Empire