Yak is a special domestic animal and valuable animal husbandry resource originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it is also a famous landscape cattle breed on the roof of the world. The Tibetan name is Jacques, and the English name is yak, which is the transliteration of Tibetan. In contemporary animal taxonomy, the taxonomic order is divided into seven categories, namely, species, genera, families, orders, classes, phylum and realm. Sometimes, in order to express the similarity between animals more accurately, Super- is added before class, order, family, genus and species, and Sub- is added after phylum, class, order, family, genus and species, so there are names of class, subclass and so on. Species is the most basic order of animal classification. According to the classification of modern zoology, yak species belong to:
Bos grunniens is a cattle species in the genus Bos, and there are also Bos taurus, Bos indicus and so on. Every kind of animal or livestock has an internationally accepted scientific Latin name. The scientific name of any species consists of two Latin words, namely, the generic name and the species name. The scientific name of yak is Bos grunniens, the first word Bos is the name of genus, and the second word grunniens is the unique species name of yak. The first letter of the generic name must be capitalized, while the generic name must be lowercase. Genus names can be abbreviated to one, two or three letters.