Ada is from Egypt and Greece, striding forward.
Adela is from Germany.
Adelaide is from Germany.
Adele is from Germany.
Adele is from Germany.
Adrian is from Greece.
Afra comes from Hebrew.
Agatha originated in Greece.
Agnes is from Greece.
Irene comes from Greece and Ireland.
Alberta is from England.
Alexandra is from Greece.
Alexia is from Greece.
Alice comes from Greece and ancient Germany.
Alison is from France.
Alma comes from English Latin.
Hibiscus comes from Greece,
Alva comes from Latin.
Amanda is from Latin.
Amelia comes from Latin.
Amy is from Latin, France.
Anastasia is from Greece.
Andrea is from Greece.
Annie is from Greece.
Beatrice comes from Latin.
Belinda is from Germany and Italy.
Bella is from France.
Bertha source Teutonic people
Beth is from Hebrew.
Betsy is from Greece.
Camilla comes from Latin.
Candice comes from Latin, Greece.
Candice comes from Latin.
Carol comes from France and Germany.
Cherry is from Latin, France.
Chloe is from Greece.
Dale is from England.
Debbie is from Hebrew.
Elva is from ancient Sri Lanka.
Enna from Teutonic, Germany
Jamie is from Latin.
Joan is from France.
Kama is from India.
Kate is from Greece.
Lisa is from Hebrew.
Mary comes from Hebrew, the Bible.
Octavia comes from Latin.
Pages from Greece
Patty is from Latin.
Sarah is from Latin.
Sheila is from Ireland.
Tess is from France.
Tina is from Greek wax.