In the past, rural elderly people especially liked to hold the quail. The quail was to hold the quail in their hands. In the past, the old people in rural areas had two main purposes for raising quails. One was because quails were usually restless, so they had to domesticate them by raising quails; the other was that because conditions were not good in the past, they kept quails in the palm of their hands. Inside, you can use it to keep warm and keep your body warm.
In the past, old people in rural areas would catch some quail that had not flown through the winter after the autumn harvest. When winter comes, these quails will come in handy. In winter, the elderly in rural areas have no farm work to do, so they usually gather together.
These old people usually put out a big dustpan, a dustpan, and two quails to start a wonderful game. Everyone gets together and releases their favorite quail. Quails, like crickets, are aggressive little creatures by nature, so they will fight non-stop when they encounter each other, and a winner must be determined.
There is an old saying in the countryside, this sentence is: "Fighted quail, defeated chicken." The meaning of this sentence is that if you can't get into the battle, you will be dejected. Some old people are better at winning and losing. If they lose in a quail fight, they may drop the quail directly to the ground and die! Some people will also use quail as chips. The loser may end up losing his house and fields.
Even when everyone is not together, people still play quail. Usually when the sun rises, the old people go out with their quails. These quails are like the pet cats and dogs kept by city people today, they are very well-behaved and obedient. Quails have little physical strength, so they don't fly very high. They are exhausted after flying three or four times.
Nowadays in rural areas, we can hardly see any elderly people. They may also like to surf the Internet with smart phones! Nowadays, people's living conditions are getting better and better, so they no longer play quail! And the natural conditions now are not as good as in the past, so quails are usually not seen in the fields.