How to spell the surname Ma in English?

The English surname Ma is Ma.

The translation convention is "name from the owner", that is, using the Latinization method commonly used by others to write the name. If it is from mainland China, it is Use Chinese Pinyin to write according to the Chinese Pinyin spelling standards, such as: Zhang San = Zhang San Chen Xiaoming = Chen Xiaoming China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions have their own spelling habits. If this "Chen Xiaoming" is a Hong Konger, his ID card will be very It may be written: Chan Siu Ming, so the English translation also uses this writing method. For example, "Liu Qian" is from Taiwan. Generally, in English, it is not written Liu Qian, but written according to the name on his ID card: Lu Chen. It was once popular in the past By moving the last name to the end, we followed the British and American practice, but now it is generally advocated to retain the natural word order in the mother tongue.