How many muscles does a person have?

The human body has 639 skeletal muscles, and the total weight varies with age: newborns are less than 1/4 of the body weight; adults generally account for about 40% of the body weight; they often perform physical labor and For people who do physical exercise, their muscles are more developed and can account for about half of their body weight; in old age, when muscles atrophy and water content decreases, muscle weight may be reduced to 25% of body weight. The increase or decrease in muscle weight is not due to changes in quantity, but due to differences in muscle fiber thickness. In 1996, two American scientists announced that they had discovered a new muscle in the head that helps chew food. If this is the case, then the total number of skeletal muscles will increase to 640. Muscle evolved from "little mouse" in Latin. In Greek, "muscle" and "mouse" mean exactly the same thing. However, they are the same muscles, but their appearance is very different: some are long and thin, some are thick and short, and some are triangular, but most muscles are spindle-shaped, wide in the middle and tapering at both ends. Muscles also vary in size. For example, the quadriceps muscle on an adult's thigh often weighs 2 kilograms, while the stapedius muscle in the ear is less than 0.2 centimeters long, which is pitifully light. However, it has the function of adjusting the sound. Each muscle is composed of many muscle fibers, which are very strong but vary in length. The short one is only 0.1 cm, and the long one can exceed 33 cm. Human muscles and their distribution------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Skeletal muscles are the power organs of the locomotor system and are widely distributed in various parts of the human body. Complete voluntary movements under the command of the nervous system. 1. Muscle morphology and structure Muscles can be divided into four categories according to their shape: longus, brevis, latissimus and orbicularis. Each muscle can be divided into two parts according to its tissue structure: muscle mass and tendon. The sarcoplasm is located in the center of the muscle, is composed of muscle cells, and has the function of contraction; the tendon is located at both ends, which is the attachment part and is composed of dense connective tissue. Each muscle usually attaches to a bone across a joint, or to a bone at one end and to the skin at the other end. Generally, the more fixed end of the muscle is called the starting point, and the more mobile end is called the end point. 2. Auxiliary structures of muscles The auxiliary structures of muscles mainly include fascia, synovial bursa and tendon sheath. They are structures formed by the connective tissue around the muscles and have the function of protecting the muscles and assisting muscle movements. 3. Main muscles of each part of the body. The muscles of the human body can be divided into head and neck muscles, trunk muscles and limb muscles. (1) Head and neck muscles: Head and neck muscles can be divided into head muscles and neck muscles. The head muscles can be divided into expression muscles and masticatory muscles. Expression muscles are located under the skin of the head and face, originating from the skull and ending in the facial skin. When muscles contract, they can move the skin and produce various expressions. Muscles of mastication are muscles that move the mandible, including the superficial temporalis and masseter muscles, and the deep medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. (2) Trunk muscles: Trunk muscles include back muscles, chest muscles, diaphragm muscles, and abdominal muscles. Back muscles can be divided into superficial and deep layers. The superficial layers include the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles. There are many deep muscles, mainly the sacrospinalis muscle. The main chest muscles include pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and intercostal muscles. The diaphragm is located between the chest and abdominal cavity. It is a flat broad muscle that projects toward the chest in a dome shape. It is the main respiratory muscle. It assists inhalation when contracting and exhalation when relaxing. The abdominal muscles are located between the lower part of the thorax and the upper edge of the pelvis and participate in the formation of the abdominal wall. It can be divided into anterolateral group and posterior group. The anterolateral group includes the rectus abdominis on both sides of the front midline and the three-layer platyphysalis muscles on the outside. These three-layer platysmus muscles are, from superficial to deep, the external oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis. The posterior group has the quadratus lumborum muscle. (3) Limb muscles: Limb muscles can be divided into upper limb muscles and lower limb muscles. A. Upper limb muscles: The upper limb muscles have fine structure and dexterous movement, including shoulder muscles, arm muscles, forearm muscles and hand muscles. Shoulder muscles are distributed around the shoulder joint and play a role in protecting and moving the shoulder joint. The most important one is the deltoid muscle. The brachial muscles are all long muscles and can be divided into two groups, the front and back. The anterior group is the flexor muscles, including the biceps brachii, brachialis and coracobrachialis muscles; the posterior group is the extensor muscles, including the triceps brachii. The forearm muscles are located around the ulna and radius. They are mostly long prismatic muscles and can be divided into two groups: anterior and posterior.

The anterior group is the flexor muscle group; the posterior group is the extensor muscle group. The hand muscles are located in the palm of the hand. Divided into outer group, inner group and middle group. B. Lower limb muscles: Lower limb muscles can be divided into hip muscles, thigh muscles, calf muscles and foot muscles. The hip muscles originate from the trunk bones and pelvis, wrap around the hip joint, and end at the femur. It can be divided into two groups according to its location. The internal hip muscles are located in the pelvis and mainly include the iliopsoas, piriformis and obturator internus muscles. The external hip muscles are located outside the pelvis and mainly include the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and obturator external muscles. The thigh muscles are divided into three groups: anterior, medial and posterior, which are located on the front, medial and back of the thigh respectively. The anterior group includes the quadriceps and sartorius muscles. The inner group is located on the inner side of the thigh and includes the pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and gracilis muscles. The posterior group includes the biceps femoris on the lateral side and the semitendinosus and semimembranosus on the medial side. The calf muscles can be divided into three groups: anterior, lateral and posterior. The foot muscles can be divided into dorsal muscles and plantar muscles. According to the shape and distribution of muscle tissue, it can be divided into three types: striated muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue, and cardiac muscle tissue. Striated muscle looks like it is composed of a bundle of hair-like glands, and each muscle fiber has striations. It is also called voluntary muscle or skeletal muscle. But these names are not very appropriate, because some striated muscles such as the orbicularis oris and orbicularis oculi are not attached to the bones; and the striated muscles in the larynx and upper esophagus do not require volitional control and command when they contract. True striated muscle in adults accounts for approximately 40% of the total body weight. Smooth muscles cannot be controlled by will, so they are also called involuntary muscles. It is composed of elongated cells or muscle fibers without striations and is mainly distributed on the peripheral walls of hollow organs in the body. The smooth muscles of the internal organs, respiratory tract and urethra account for 5-10% of the body weight. Myocardium is the most important muscle in the human body. It is made up of muscle fibers interwoven in an extremely complex way and forms the heart wall. Striated muscle and smooth muscle core muscle tissue are not only different in shape, but also in their operation. Smooth muscle contracts very slowly, but it never tires out; while striated muscle contracts very fast, but easily produces a sense of fatigue. As for the myocardium, it can not only contract quickly, but also never tire. It is an extremely strong muscle, so it can make the heart beat continuously until the end of life. We have muscles from head to toe, inside and out. There are three types of muscles: The muscle of the heart is called myocardium. Because of its contraction and relaxation, it ensures the continuous beating of the heart. The muscles in blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, bladder, uterus, bronchi, around pupils and hair roots are called smooth muscles. Smooth muscle has greater stretchability, it can lengthen, expand, and contract slowly and permanently. The flesh and bones are closely connected, and the flesh and bones are often symmetrical. Because muscles are attached to bones, they are called skeletal muscles. The muscle fibers of skeletal muscle have many bright and dark striations, so they used to be called striated muscle. However, some facial muscles are not attached to bones, but to the skin. These muscles can be used to express various emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, so they are also called expressive muscles. However, since they are also striated muscles, they are still classified as skeletal muscles. Myocardium also has striations, but myocardium is a special muscle structure that is different from skeletal muscle. After research, scientists believe that in the long process of evolution, smooth muscle appeared earlier, while skeletal muscle appeared last. Skeletal muscles are fixed to bones through tendons, which drive bones and joints, allowing us to make various postures and movements. When we put a piece of candy into our mouth, we have to use the biceps and other muscles in our arms to complete the task. We can command our fingers to turn the pages of a book, or we can command our feet to walk, but we cannot stop the gastrointestinal movement. Therefore, skeletal muscles that can move voluntarily according to human will are also called voluntary muscles; cardiac muscle and smooth muscles are not controlled by one's own will, so they are also called involuntary muscles. The muscles usually referred to refer to skeletal muscles.