Format of Chinese annotations
1. When the work where the material cited or borrowed in the article appears for the first time in the annotation, the name of the author, title of the book, and publication must be included. The place, publisher, year of publication and page number of the quoted material are also noted.
(1) Examples of cited monographs:
Li Daokui: "American Government and American Politics", Beijing. China Social Sciences Press, 1990 edition, pp. 72-74.
Note: (a) Use a colon after the author's name; use the book title to mark the title of the work, and add a comma after the book title; use a spacer (double dot) after the place of publication; add a comma after the publisher's name; publication Add the word "edition" after the year and a comma; use a period after the page number.
(b) If there are two authors, the names of the authors should be separated by commas, such as: xxx, xxx; if there are more than two authors, the name of the first author can be written, followed by "etc." "Omit other authors, such as: xxx, etc.
(c) If the title of the book has a subtitle, separate the title and subtitle with a dash within the title number.
For example:
Chen Baosen: "U.S. Economy and Government Policy - From Roosevelt to Reagan", Beijing. World Knowledge Press, 1988 edition, page 124. (d) If the work is a multi-volume work, the number of volumes in which the cited materials are located must be written directly after the book title, followed by a period. For example: Xu Min: "Historical Review of Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aiding Korea" Volume 1, Beijing. China Broadcasting Press, 1990 edition, page 5.
(e) The place of publication should include the name of the province, autonomous region and its subordinate cities. For municipalities directly under the Central Government, only the city name should be noted, such as:
Jilin Yanji. Yanbian Education Press; Beijing. International Culture Publishing Company. If the name of the publishing house already contains one of the place names, there is no need to repeatedly indicate the place of publication, such as: Nanjing. Jiangsu People's Publishing House does not need to be noted as Nanjing, Jiangsu. Jiangsu People's Publishing House; Beijing Publishing House, no need to indicate Beijing. Beijing Press.
(2) Examples of cited translations:
J. Bloom et al.: The Second Part of Volume 2 of "The American Journey" (translated by Yang Guobiao and Zhang Rulin, edited by Huang Xiqun), Beijing. Commercial Press, 1988 edition, page 97.
Note: (a) In addition to the surname (family name), the author's first name and middle name (first name and middle name) can be expressed in abbreviated form. If abbreviated, English abbreviation symbols must be used (below) (dot); if all names are translated, Chinese spacers (dots) must be added between the names.
(b) Add parentheses directly after the book title or after the volume or volume of a multi-volume work, and indicate the name of the Chinese translator and proofreader in the brackets.
(3) Examples of citations:
Chief editor Yang Shengmao: "History of U.S. Foreign Policy, 1775-1989", Beijing. People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, page 23.
Han Tie et al.: "Postwar American History, 1945-1986" (edited by Liu Xuyi and Yang Shengmao), Beijing. People's Publishing House, 1989 edition, page 56.
Explanation: (a) The first example applies to works with only editors. After the editor's name, add "Editor" or "Editor-in-Chief" based on the information provided in the book, and add a colon; the rest of the format is the same as the annotation for works.
(b) The second example applies to works that have both editors and authors. This type of annotation is basically the same as annotation for works, but parentheses must be added after the book title, the editor's name must be stated in the parentheses, and a period must be added after the parentheses.
(4) Examples of citations from articles in collections or periodicals and magazines:
Marx: "Critique of the Gotha Program", in the third volume of "Selected Works of Marx and Engels", Beijing. People's Publishing House, 1972 edition, page 21.
F. Jameson: "Third World Literature in the Era of Transnational Capitalism", in "New Historicism and Literary Criticism" (edited by Zhang Jingyuan), Peking University Press, 1992 edition, page 251.
Wu Zhan: "On Several Issues in Nuclear Disarmament", "American Studies", Issue 3, 1994, page 43.
Instructions: (a) First note the author's name and the title of the article, and the title of the article is marked with a book title number, followed by a comma; then note the name of the collection or journal, the title of the collection or journal is also marked with a book title number, and the book title number is Add the word "Zhao" in front, indicate the volume and volume number immediately after the title of the collection or journal, and then add a comma; the rest of the format is the same as for works.
(b) The first case applies to collections without the editor's signature; the second case applies to collections signed by the editor.
(c) Journals and magazines do not need to indicate the editor and publisher.
(5) Examples of quoting newspaper articles:
Lu Quanwu: "Several Issues in the Reform of State-owned Enterprises", "Economic Daily", August 20, 1994, Page 3.
"Mexican Stock Market Turmoil", "People's Daily", January 10, 1995, Page 7.
Explanation: (a) The first example applies to signed articles.
(b) The second example applies to unsigned articles or reports.
(c) The year, month and day of newspaper publication must be indicated and placed before the name of the newspaper.
(d) Newspapers do not note "page", but "page".
2. When quoting material from the same work again, only the author’s name, the title of the work (the subtitle can be omitted) and the page number where the material is located should be noted in the annotation; if the quotation is from a newspaper article, the name of the newspaper and the The date of publication can be replaced by the words "Shang cited newspapers and periodicals".
Example: Li Daokui: "American Government and American Politics", page 79.
J. Bloom: The American Journey, Volume 2, Part 1, page 140.
Chen Baosen: "U.S. Economy and Government Policy", page 435.
Wu Zhan: "On Several Issues in Nuclear Disarmament", quoted newspaper, page 44.
"Mexican Stock Market Turmoil", cited newspaper, 7th edition.
Format of English annotations
1. When quoting information from a work for the first time, the annotation must include the book’s author’s name, title, place of publication, publisher, and publisher. The year and page number sequence of the information are indicated. The specific format is as follows:
(1) Monograph category:
Harold U. Faulkner, American Economic History (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1960), pp.23-25.
Instructions: (a) The author’s names are arranged in the usual order, followed by a comma; the book title is in italics, and it can be marked with a horizontal line under the book title in the manuscript; the book title is followed by parentheses and parentheses Indicate the place of publication, add a colon, followed by the name of the publisher, add a comma, and then note the year of publication; add a comma after the brackets, and then note the page number where the cited material is located, and add a period after the page number to indicate completion of the annotation; use p for the page number of a single page . represents; multi-page page numbers are represented by pp., which means pages. (b) If there are two authors, use and or & to connect the names of the authors; if there are more than two authors, you can write the name of the first author, followed by et al. to indicate and others, such as: Donna Worrall Brown et al. , Form in Modern English, the rest is the same as (a).
(c) If the title of the work has a subtitle, separate it from the title with a colon, for example: Robert K. Murray, The Harding Era: Warren G. Harding and His Administration (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969), p. 91. (d) If the work is one volume of multiple volumes, the volume number must be indicated by Vol. plus Roman numerals before indicating the page number, such as: Ralph F. de Bedts, Recent American History: 1945 to the Present, Vol.II (Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1973), p.169.
(2) Editorial Category:
Paul M. Angle, ed., The American Reader: From Columbus to Today (New York: Rand McNally Co., 1958), pp.52-53.
Note: (a) If there are multiple editors, ed. must be written as eds., such as: E. B. White & Katherine S. White, eds., A Subtreasury of American Humor, the following annotations are similar to the work. (b) For works with both editors and authors, the author’s name must be placed before the title of the book and the editor’s name after the title, such as: George Soule, Prosperity Decade: From War to Depression, 1917-1929 (eds. Henry David et al., New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1975), p.235. It is also possible not to indicate the editor, but to treat it as a work-type annotation.
(3) Articles in the collection:
Erwin Panofsky, "Style and Medium in the Motion Picture," Problems in Aesthelics, ed. Morris Weitz (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1969), p.326.
Note: (a) The article title does not need to be italicized or underlined, and all subsequent commas should be placed within quotation marks. (b) The title of the book is in italics, followed by the editor’s name, and the format is the same as that of editor category (b).
(4) Newspaper articles:
Constance M. Drake, "An Approach to Blake," College English, XXIX (April 1968), pp.541-543.
“Reading Teachers Put on Spot,” The Kansas City Star, May 1, 1969, p.16 A.
Explanation: (a) The first example is a reference to a signed article in a journal Note, the journal name should be in italics, the volume number should be indicated in Roman numerals, and then the publication date should be noted in parentheses; it is not necessary to indicate the editor, publisher and place of publication. (b) The second example is an annotation citing an unsigned article in a newspaper. The name of the newspaper is in italics, followed by the publication date.
(5) Electronic information:
If you use materials on the Internet, you must indicate the detailed address of the site where the materials are located:
2. Re-cite the already cited When writing a previous work, the annotation format is as follows:
(1) Just note the author’s name and page number, such as:
Soule, p.229.
E. White & K. White, eds., p.45.
(2) If two or more books (articles) by the same author are cited in one article If the work is a work, the title of the book must be added,
For example: Soule, Prosperity Decade, p.134.
(3) The information quoted in this note and the note immediately above is from For the same work, ibid. can be substituted, which means "cited from the same as above" or "source from the same as above" (if the work cited in this note is not the same as the note immediately above, but is the same as the note above, it cannot be replaced with ibid.) , such as:
③Harold U. Faulkner, American Economic History (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1960), pp.23-25.
④Ibid., p.51( It means the same citation as Note ③, but with different page numbers)
⑤Ibid. (It means the same citation and page number as Note ④) Comments are the explanations and descriptions of the code. The purpose is to make it easy for others and yourself to understand. In order to let others know what this code is used for at a glance. Correct program comments generally include preamble comments and functional comments. The main contents of the preamble comments include the module's interface, data description and module functions. The main content of the module's functional comments includes the function of the program segment, the function of the statement and the status of the data.
Line comments
The line after the symbol will not be compiled (displayed)
Block comments
The block comment in the middle of the symbol Some parts will not be compiled
jsp comment block comments
HTML comment block comments
asp comments ' Line comment
css comment block comment
/* */ block comment
java comment // line comment
/* * / Block comment
/** */ Block comment, usually code information, such as author name, etc.
c++ comment // Line comment
/* * /Block comment
Batch script comment REM (case-insensitive) line comment
For example, the following is a simple example of C++ comment
Code function
Output Baidu Encyclopedia on the screen!
*/ #include In PHP, We use // to write single-line comments, or /* and */ to write large comment blocks.
//This is a comment
/*This isa commentblock*/ >
php supports C, C++ and Unix Shell style (Perl style) annotation.
For example:
Single-line comments only comment to the end of the line or the current php code block, whichever comes first. This means that the HTML code after // ?> will be displayed: ?> breaks out of php mode and returns to HTML mode, // does not affect this. If the asp_tags configuration option is enabled, the behavior is the same as // %>. However, the tag does not break out of PHP mode in single-line comments.
The header above will say 'This is an example'.
Overview of annotations in CAD
An annotation is a note or other type of illustrative symbol or object, often used to add information to a drawing.
Examples of annotations include
Notes and labels
, tables, dimensions and tolerances, hatches, dimensions, blocks. Object types used to create annotations include< /p>
Pattern fills, text (single and multi-line), tables, dimensions, tolerances, leaders and multileaders, blocks, attributes, etc.
Users can use different layout viewports and models The process of scaling annotations is automatically completed in space.
1. Scale annotation
Objects usually used to annotate graphics have a characteristic called annotation. Using this feature, users can automate the process of scaling annotations so that they print or display at the correct size on the drawing.
2. Set the annotation scale
The annotation scale is a setting saved with model space, layout viewport, and model view. When annotative objects are added to a drawing, they support the current annotation scale, scale according to that scale setting, and automatically display at the correct size in model space.
3. Create annotation objects
Objects usually used to annotate graphics have a feature called annotation. If these objects have annotative properties enabled (set to "Yes"), they are called annotative objects
4. Display annotative objects
For model space or layout viewport, the user can display all annotative objects, or only those that support the current annotation scale.
5. Add and modify scale diagrams
After an annotative object is created in a drawing, it supports an annotation scale, which is the current annotation scale when the object is created. Users can update annotative objects to support other annotation scales.
Comments and tags overview
Text can be created using a variety of methods. Use single lines of text for short entries. Use multiline text (also called multiline text) for longer entries with internal formatting. You can also create multiline text with leaders.
Although all entered text uses the current text style with default font and formatting settings established, there are other ways to customize the appearance of the text. There are tools that allow users to modify text proportions and alignment, find and replace text, and check for spelling errors.
Text included in dimensions or tolerances is created using the dimension command.
Comment format for scripting languages
JavaScript single-line comments
Comments can be added to explain JavaScript or improve its readability.
Single-line comments begin with
This example uses a single line comment to explain the code:
// This line of code outputs the title: document.write(
This is a paragraph
);document.write(< p>This is another paragraph
);JavaScript multi-line comments
Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */ End.
This example uses multi-line comments to explain the code:
In this example, we use comments to Prevent the execution of several lines of code:
This is a paragraph
);document.write(This is another paragraph
);*/< p>Use comments at the end of the lineIn this example, the comment is placed at the end of the line of the statement:
document.write (Hello); // Output Hello document.write(World); // Output World