How to draw a cucumber

The first step, draw the leaves

The second step, draw the cucumber

The third step, draw the melon vine

Step 4: Apply color and the painting is complete

Cucumber is one of the four most commonly grown fruits and vegetables in the world and is considered to be the most beneficial food for overall health. Picking up a handful of firm, dark green cucumbers and putting them in your shopping cart actually means you've purchased something that's good for your whole body.

Replenish body water If you are too busy to drink water, you can eat a light cucumber. Water accounts for 90% of the cucumber, which can effectively replenish the lost water.

Fight against internal and external burning. Eating cucumbers can relieve stomach burning, while applying cucumbers to the skin can relieve sunburn.

Remove toxins. The water contained in cucumbers is a virtual broom that can clean up waste in the body. Regular consumption can dissolve kidney stones.