Gaussian in English


Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (April 30, 1777 - February 23, 1855)

Gauss joined Getting in 1795 He received his doctorate from the University of G?ttingen in 1799 and was appointed professor of mathematics and astronomy and director of the Observatory at the University of G?ttingen in 1807. His involvement in astronomy began with the study of asteroids. In 1801, he created a calculation method for determining the orbits of asteroids based on three observations, and successfully calculated the orbits of the asteroids Ceres and Pallas.

A famous German mathematician, physicist, astronomer, geodesist, and one of the founders of modern mathematics. Gauss is considered one of the most important mathematicians in history and is known as the "Prince of Mathematics".

Gauss, Archimedes and Newton are ranked among the three major mathematicians in the world. He had extremely rich achievements in his life. There are 110 achievements named after him "Gauss", which is the most among mathematicians. He made contributions to number theory, algebra, statistics, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, geophysics, mechanics, electrostatics, astronomy, matrix theory and optics.

Main achievements

Prove the basic theorem of algebra; Gaussian summation formula: (first term and last term) * number of terms/2; quadratic reciprocity law, prime number theorem, arithmetic-geometry average. "On the Movement of Celestial Bodies", "Theory and Methods of Drawing a Regular Heptagonal Rule and Compass".