How to make a house

The practice of the House of Representatives is as follows:

The first type: fold one third of the square colored paper in half, fold the other side along one third, and then open it after folding. Fold the opposite sides in half. Fold back along the crease. Fold out a triangle, then fold out another triangle, and repeat the operation on the other side. Open it, fold the paper into a cube along the crease, and fold the extra parts in. Next, make the roof, and still fold the square colored paper in half along one third.

Then fold out a small triangle. Open it and nest the excess along the crease, so that the roof is finished. Then draw the doors, windows and chimneys of the house in black, cut them out with scissors and stick them on the house with glue sticks. Then cover the roof. Such a house can be built.

Second: first prepare cardboard, glue, art knife, scissors, paint, white paper, brushes and other materials. Then mark the cardboard with a pen and cut out the corresponding shape for later use. Next, cut the roof of the house and fold it in half from the middle. Put the finished roof on the carton and glue it along the edge. Be sure to stick it firmly. Finally, wrap the paper house with white paper or colored paper, then cut out the positions of doors and windows, and then draw your favorite patterns or color it.