Qq email format: qqjiangyinyin @qq.com
Netease e-mail format: wyxijiangyue @163.com.
Google Mail Format: gg Peace and Joy @ gmail.com.
Sina mail format :lilei2022@sina.com
Microsoft mail format: w Later we @ hotmail.com.
Apple Mail Format: pg Eat Another Apple @ icloud.com.
2. The correct format of email address is: registered name+@+the address of a website, such as registered name +@yahoo.com, registered name +@gmail.com, registered name +@sina.com, etc. Note: the format of the email address is "6 to 18 characters, letters, numbers and underscores are acceptable, and it needs to start with a letter".
3. E-mail is an electronic information space for network users to communicate through the network e-post office. E-mail has the function of storing and sending and receiving electronic information, and is the most important information exchange tool on the Internet. In the network, the e-mail box can automatically receive the e-mail sent by any e-mail box on the network, and can store electronic files with specified size and other formats. E-mail has a separate network domain name, and its e-mail address is marked after @. You can watch it at any time in the back, information and so on.