How do foreigners choose their names?

In many countries, parents are believed to be ordered by God to name their children, as if parents can see into the future and know what name can best represent their children, so Give their children a name that suits them and can last their entire lives. Therefore, choosing a name is a very serious matter. However, even so, it does not mean that the names chosen by parents cannot be creative, novel, or have special meanings. After all, no matter what the parents choose, Any name is right, because parents are given names by God's will.

1. Just like it, just like it.

Maybe you have a name that you particularly like, or maybe you are not satisfied with your current name, but you don’t want to change it? No problem, you still have the opportunity to bring this name to in your life because you can give this name to your children. Although it is not very rational to choose a name this way, it is acceptable.

2. Literal meaning and hidden meaning.

Choosing a name with special meaning is a great way to give your child a good name. Because among English names, the meanings of many names are not so obvious. You can find the meanings of English names in books on English names, or you can search online. In most cases. The names parents give their children will directly reflect their expectations for their children, such as wealth, wealth, etc.

3. History is always cyclical.

Parents have always chosen names of historical figures for their children. After the American Revolution, a large number of parents named their children Lincoln. But now. Parents may be more inclined to name their children after politicians, scientists, or sports stars.

4. The most unusual names are actually the most ordinary.

There are many names in the world that are popular for a while, then become outdated, and then become popular again after a while, but some names are enduring, such as Mary and John, which always seem to be very popular. , and other very novel names are always spread by people quickly, and then become very common, like Tiffany and Jordan. This kind of name was not seen 50 years ago, but it has become very common now. Generally, parents who want to choose a special name will not choose this kind of name anymore. They will only choose it when Tiffany becomes special again. It's become popular.