Illustration Rose Simple Drawing-How to Draw a Rose Flower Simple Drawing

A simple way to draw a rose

Simple drawing - how to draw a rose

The simple way to draw a rose is: draw a rose heart, draw the first With a layer of rose petals, draw the open rose petals in the outer circle, and add the stems and leaves to the rose. Roses generally symbolize beautiful and pure love, and are the key flowers to express love. Roses are a plant or flower of the genus Rosa. The plant stems usually have thorns, alternate leaves, and odd-numbered pinnate compound leaves. Roses are also known as thorn roses. Rose is a plant of the Rosaceae family.

1. Draw a short vertical line.

2. Take the vertical line as the starting point and draw around it.

3. Then draw lines to outline the shape of the flower center.

4. Continue to draw the petals.

5. After drawing one petal, draw another petal until the shape of the flower comes out.

6. Beautiful flowers need to be set off by leaves. After painting the flowers, start painting the leaves.

7. After drawing the flowers and leaves, draw the stem. This will be a rose.

8. After painting the whole rose, start to paint it, and you're done. How to draw a simple rose flower

How to draw a simple rose flower like this:

1. First, we use circled curves on the white paper to draw the petals and lines of the rose. Be smooth and natural.

2. Then draw a semicircular petal below, and the outline of the rose will be sketched.

3. Then draw a slender flower stem under the flower, and finally draw leaves and pointed thorns on the flower stem, and a rose is ready.

4. Finally color.

How to draw a good picture?

1. What to draw?

The brush is connected to the heart, and a good painting can arouse the viewer’s excitement. . Therefore, good paintings express certain emotions. If it is a single illustration, comic, game original painting, etc., I have to think about the specific thoughts and emotions I want to express in the painting in advance.

Ideology: Mainly refers to the theme of the painting, its content and subject matter. Things to consider include time settings, location settings, etc. Because time and place will affect the natural style of the scene, architectural style, character design, costume design, etc.

2. How to draw? What are the preparations before starting to draw?

How to draw is mainly about the basic knowledge and techniques of art. What you need to learn about art scenes is perspective theory. The characters mainly learn human anatomy. The main study of color is the basic theory of light source and color. Techniques mainly rely on daily practice and accumulation. The foundation is very important. Without a good art foundation, one or two paintings may be good, but the quality will not be stable.

3. Am I good at drawing?

This step is simple but important. The best way to improve is to compare paintings by artists you like next to your own paintings. Step by step, compare how your favorite painters deal with the problems mentioned above and find out where you fall short.

Painting requires rigorous logical thinking and perseverance. Sometimes strong confidence is very important. Behind every good work are hundreds of useless paintings. So take your time, find a method, practice a lot, and you will make some progress every once in a while. How to draw a rose with simple strokes

How to draw a rose with simple strokes is as follows:

First, draw a small triangle. Then, draw a pentagon outside the small triangle. Next, draw another pentagon outside the pentagon. Note, draw along the corners.

Draw the edges of the pentagon to look like rolled petals. Draw the two outer petals of the rose.

Draw another few petals, pay attention to the relationship between front and rear occlusion, and just draw the edges of the petals. Draw the small leaves at the base of the rose.

Draw flower branches.

Finally, draw the leaves of the rose and draw the texture.

Rose (English name: rose_16]_): It is the common name for various plants and cultivated flowers of the Rosaceae, Rosaceae and genus. Upright, spreading or climbing shrubs, mostly covered with prickles, needles or thorns, rarely thornless, hairy, hairless or glandular hairs. The leaves are alternate; the flowers are solitary; the receptacle is spherical, jar-shaped to cup-shaped.

The petals are 5, sparsely 4, spreading, arranged in an imbricate shape, white, yellow, pink to red; the style is terminal to lateral, extending, free or connate at the upper part; the petals are obovate, double. To semi-double, the flowers come in purple, yellow, pink, white and various complex colors. The branches are relatively weak, drooping and densely thorny, and they bloom only once a year.

Roses are the most famous and popular of all flowers. Roses have been prized for centuries. Historical evidence shows that they grew in China approximately 5,000 years ago, and they have played a role in history ever since. Whether by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Christians, Franciscans or others, the rose has always been an eternal symbol of love, beauty and equality. Although each color expresses love, beauty and balance a little differently, the main message is still love.