Take the name as an example. The father's surname is Yang, and the mother's surname is Yin. The name needs a single word (for example), and the meaning of the name should be explained. Oh, the meaning

Take the name as an example. The father's surname is Yang, and the mother's surname is Yin. The name needs a single word (for example), and the meaning of the name should be explained. Oh, the meaning should be profound. thank you Yang Keqin → Yang Lingjun → Yang Xiaoguang → Yang Yunzhou → Yang Lixuan → Yang Wenxuan → Yang Bochao → Yang Zhiyuan → Yang Qingyu → Yang Weilun → Yang Junhao → Yang Tongtong → Yang Kasi → Yang Jiayi → Yang Shaohui → Yang Jiao → Yang Zhichen → Yang Xinlei → Yang Jinfu → Yang Songde → Yang Xuanming → Yang Zhizhi.

Wish the baby grow sturdily.