Symphony 9 syndrome:
Beethoven wrote nine world-famous symphonies and died in 1827. His death also foretold the fate of many classical music composers in the following19th and 20th centuries. This "ninth symphony syndrome" is widely known among music learners and is regarded as an important external cause of the composer's death.
1828, franz schubert also died after writing nine symphonies. His last symphony is not the best, but his unfinished eighth symphony is considered as one of his best masterpieces.
Half a century later, the Ninth Symphony Syndrome broke out again, this time it took the life of Austrian composer anton bruckner. Two parts of brukner's symphonies are numbered 00 and 000 respectively, so the name of the symphony he wrote when he died is not No.9, although it is not called No.9, it is indeed his ninth symphony.
Classical music composers become whimsical: Antony dvorak, a Czech composer, named his ninth symphony "No.5" with ulterior motives, in an attempt to deceive the cruel and heartless god of death. However, he didn't live long. He died in 1904-before he finished the tenth symphony, of course.
Gustav mahler cunningly named his ninth symphony "Song of the Earth", so that he could describe the real tenth symphony as his ninth symphony. But he died before ten films were finished, and that was in 19 1 1.
British composer Vaughan Williams also failed to finish the tenth book. He left nine symphonies in 1958 and died.