Three Kingdoms. Translation of Gaogui Xiang Gongji

The public name of Gaogui Township is Mao, whose courtesy name is Yanshi. He is the grandson of Emperor Wen and the son of Cao Lin, the king of Donghai. In the fifth year of Zhengshi year, he was granted the title of Gaogui Township Duke of Tan County. I have been studious since childhood and matured early. After the King of Qi was deposed, the ministers discussed making Gao Guixianggong the emperor. In the tenth month of the lunar month, Duke Gaogui came to the Xuanwu Hall. The ministers petitioned him to live in the front hall. Gaogui Township recognized this as the place where the late emperor had lived, so he stayed in the west wing. The ministers also requested that the emperor's car be used to welcome him. However, Duke Gaogui did not agree. Geng Yin, Duke Gaogui got out of the car and was about to return to pay homage. The person who greeted him asked, "According to etiquette, there is no need to return to worship." Duke Gaogui said, "I am still a minister." So he responded and paid homage. Get off at the stop gate. The entourage said: "I used to go in by car." Gao Guixiang said: "I was recruited by the Empress Dowager, and I don't know what I want to do." So he walked to Taiji East Hall and went in to see the Empress Dowager. On this day, the enthronement ceremony was held in the front hall of Tai Chi. All the officials who accompanied the ceremony were very happy. The edict said: "In the past, the three ancestors, Emperor Wu, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Ming, were wise, mighty, and morally noble, and accepted the throne in compliance with God's will. After King Qi succeeded to the throne, he acted arbitrarily illegally and corrupted his virtue. The Empress Dowager thought deeply about the importance of the country and adopted Assisting the minister in his plans, I replaced him on the throne, and the mission of the emperor fell on me. With my humble body, I entrusted it to the prince. I was in awe day and night, fearing that I would not be able to continue and abide by the instructions of my ancestors and carry forward the great cause of national rejuvenation. , fighting fearfully, as if facing an abyss. Now all the officials and ministers, and the generals who have served in the four directions have accumulated merit and are loyal and diligent to the royal family. I hope that the ministers with virtue from my ancestors can assist me, who is inexperienced, to protect me. The royal family, let me, an ignorant person, govern the country well. I heard that the monarch's governance is as kind as the heaven and the earth. Give it to them, and then educate the people below. Although I lack virtue and do not understand the principles of justice, I still want to achieve this kind of governance with the subjects of the country. Doesn't it say: "Stabilize the people?" As long as he has a benevolent heart, the people will miss him. '" Amnesty was granted to the whole world and the reign name was changed. Reduce the expenses on the emperor's driving clothes and harem, and stop using the exquisite, luxurious but useless utensils made by Shang Fang Yufu.

In the winter of the first year of the Zhengyuan Dynasty, in the tenth month of the lunar month, Renchen sent servants holding talismans to all directions to observe folk customs, condolences to scholars and people, and examine those who had been wronged and failed to perform their duties. Guisi, the great general Sima Shi Huangyue was awarded to him. He entered the court without following, praised and worshiped without name, and went to the palace with swords and shoes. In the Wuxu period, Huanglong appeared in the well in Yecheng. In Jiachen, the relevant officials were ordered to assess the merits of deposing and establishing the emperor and making decisions, and divided the titles, increased the fiefdoms, promoted the officials, and issued rewards in different grades.

In the spring of the second year of the Zhengyuan Dynasty, in the first month of the first lunar month, Yichou, the Zhendong general Guanqiu Jian and the Yangzhou governor Wenqin rebelled. Wuyin, the general Sima Shi conquered them. In Guiwei, the chariot and cavalry general Guo Huai died. On the leap month Yihai, Wen Qin was defeated in Lejia. Wen Qin fled and defected to Wu. In Jiachen, Captain An Fengjin killed Guan Qiujian and sent his head to Kyoto. Renzi also granted pardon to the scholars and people in Huainan who were implicated by Guanqiu Jian and Wenqin. Zhuge Dan, the general of Zhennan, was appointed as the general of Zhendong. Master Sima died in Xuchang. In the second month of Dingsi, General Wei Sima Zhao was appointed as the general to take charge of Shangshu affairs.

In Jiazi, Sun Jun, the general of Wu State, and others gathered troops and arrived in Shouchun, claiming to be 100,000 men. Zhuge Dan fought and defeated them, killed Wu Zuo General Liu Zan, and presented prisoners and trophies to Kyoto. . In March, Bian was made queen and the whole country was granted amnesty. In the fourth month of summer, Jiayin, the queen's father, Bian Long, was granted the title of marquis. In Jiaxu, Wang Chang, the general who conquered the south, was appointed as the hussar general. In the seventh month of autumn, Hu Zun, the general who conquered the east, was appointed as the general of the guard, and Zhuge Dan, the general of Zhendong, was appointed as the general of the eastward expedition.

In August of 1911, General Jiang Wei of the Shu Kingdom invaded Didao. Wang Jing, the governor of Yongzhou, fought with him in Taoxi. Wang Jing was severely defeated and retreated to defend Didao City. Xin Wei appointed Changshui captain Deng Ai to act as General Anxi, and joined forces with General Chen Tai to resist Jiang Wei. In Wuchen, Taiwei Sima Fu was sent as backup. In September Gengzi, the lectures on "Shangshu" ended. Rewards were given to Sikong Zheng Chong and Shizhong Zheng Xiaotong who held the scriptures and taught them in person. In Jiachen, Jiang Wei withdrew his troops and returned. In the tenth month of winter, he issued an edict saying: "Because of my lack of virtue, I cannot stop the enemy's brutal and cruel behavior, which makes the bandits arrogant on the border.

The battle in Taoxi was a failure, and the number of dead soldiers must be counted in thousands. Some died on the battlefield, and their souls cannot return, and some were captured by the enemy and wandered in foreign lands. I feel deeply sad and pitiful. Sad for them. We now order the Diannong and the Anyi and Fuyi Erhujun and other ministers of their counties to condolences and care for their families, and to stop collecting taxes and corvees for one year; those who fought hard and died for the country must be dealt with according to the previous regulations. , don’t miss anything. ”'

During the Sino-Japanese War in November, because the four counties of Longyou and Jincheng were attacked by the enemy for several years, some people fled and rebelled and joined the rebel army. Their relatives who stayed in the local area felt uneasy and gave special permission to these people. Pardon. Guichou issued an edict saying: "In the previous battle in Taoxi, some officers and civilians were killed in battle, and some were drowned in the water. The bones were not recovered and were abandoned in the wilderness. I often felt sad. Now the imperial edict is issued to General Zhengxi and General Anxi, respectively, to order the deployment on the battlefield and at the waterside to search for corpses, collect the corpses and bury them to comfort the living and the dead. ”

In Xinchou, the first month of the spring of the first year of Ganlu, a green dragon appeared in the well in Zhi County. Yisi, King Cao Lin of Pei passed away.

In the fourth month of Xia, Gengxu was given to the general Sima. Wearing a dress, hat, and red shoes.

In Bingchen, the emperor came to Taixue in person and asked the Confucian scholars: "With the secret help of the gods, the sage began to create Bagua by looking up at the astronomy and geography. On this basis, the sage deduced and developed sixty-four hexagrams, and established divination to exhaust the truth of things. All these important principles are not incomplete. However, the Xia Dynasty had "Lianshan", the Shang Dynasty had "Gui Zang", and the Zhou Dynasty called it "Zhou Yi". Why are books like "Yi" named differently? Woolen cloth? "Chun Yujun, a doctor in "Yi", replied: "Bao Xi made the Bagua based on the image of Emperor Sui, and Shen Nong deduced the Eight Diagrams into sixty-four hexagrams. The emperors, Yao and Shun were familiar with the changes. The three generations all followed the times, either simple or gorgeous. Depends on their specific circumstances. Therefore, "Yi" means change; it is called "Gui Zang", which means that everything is hidden in it. The emperor added: "If Bao Xi made the Book of Changes based on Emperor Sui, why didn't Confucius say that Bao Xi made it after Sui's death?" "Chun Yujun couldn't answer. The emperor asked again: "Confucius wrote the Tuan Zhuan and Xiang Zhuan, and Zheng Xuan wrote the Zhuan. Although they are different in their saints and sages, their interpretations of the scriptures are the same. Now the Tuan Zhuan and Xiang Zhuan are not connected to the scriptures, but the annotations are connected to the scriptures. Why? Chunyu Jun replied: "Zheng Xuan combined Tuan Zhuan, Xiang Zhuan and Sutra together to make it easier for students to search, check and understand." The emperor said: "If Zheng Xuan put them together, it is indeed convenient for learning, then why doesn't Confucius put them together to make it easy for students to understand?" Chunyu Jun replied: "Confucius was worried that this would be confused with the hexagrams and divination made by King Wen of Zhou, so they would not be consistent. This is the sage's modesty of not being consistent." The emperor said: "If the saint considers being humble as a person who is not in harmony, then why is Zheng Xuan the only one who is not humble?" Chunyu Jun replied: "The principles of ancient books are profound and profound, and the emperor's questions are profound and far-reaching, which cannot be answered in detail by my ministers." "The emperor asked again: "The "Xi Ci" says that 'the emperors, Yao, and Shun wore droopy clothes and the world was governed.' This shows that there was no clothes in the era of Bao Xi and Shen Nong. But when saints educate the world, why is there such a distinction? Chun Yujun replied: "In the era of the Three Emperors, there were few people and many birds and beasts, so people in the world could take the skins of birds and beasts to meet their needs. In the era of the Yellow Emperor, there were many people and few birds and beasts, so they made Clothes to compensate for the changing times. The emperor asked again: "Qian represents heaven, but it also represents gold, jade, and old horses. Are heaven and trivial things juxtaposed?" Chunyu Jun replied: "The objects taken by the saints are either far or near. The near ones are taken from various things around them, and the far ones are taken from the heaven and earth." "

After explaining the "Book of Changes", he ordered the explanation of "Book of Changes". The emperor asked: "Zheng Xuan said, 'The ancients are the same as the sky,' which means that Yao and the sky are the same." Wang Su said, "Yao followed the principles of ancient times and implemented them." The two have different meanings. Which one is correct? "Doctor Yu Jun replied: "The opinions held by ancient scholars are different, and I cannot judge right from wrong. However, "Hong Fan" said, "Three people divination, listen to the opinions of two people." Jia Kui, Ma Rong and Wang Su all believed that it was "in compliance with the principles of investigating ancient times". According to "Hong Fan", Wang Su's explanation is more reasonable. The emperor said: "Zhongni said, 'Only Heaven is the greatest, and only Yao takes Heaven as the criterion.'" Yao's greatest virtue was that he took heaven as the criterion and followed the principles of ancient times, which was not the best.

Now the first article expounds the principles to highlight the virtues of the saints, but abandons the great ones and praises the small ones instead. Is this the author's intention? "Yu Jun replied: "I believe in following the teacher's words and fail to understand the righteousness. As for reconciling various schools to find the middle point of view, it is up to the emperor to make a decision. "Secondly, when the leaders of the four mountains recommended Gun, the emperor asked: "A great man, his virtues are in harmony with heaven and earth, his brilliance is in harmony with the sun and moon, his thinking is not imprudent, and there is nothing that cannot be illuminated by the light. Now the king Su said, "Yao meant that he could not understand Gun, so he tried him." If so, is there anything imperfect in the saint's wisdom? "Yu Jun replied: "Even if a saint is great, there are still imperfections. That's why Yu said, 'Understanding people is a sage. Even Emperor Yao found this difficult.' A saint. The emperor said: "Start well and end well, and you will eventually become a saint." How can one become a saint without a good start? He said that "even Emperor Yao found it difficult", but in the end he was able to switch to sages. This probably means that understanding people, sages find it difficult, and even those who are not sages have imperfections. "The Sutra" says: "Understanding people is a sage who can appoint talented people." ’ If Yao doubted Gun, tried him for nine years, and appointed people out of character, how could he be called a sage? "Yu Jun replied: "I read the scriptures and annotations privately. A saint cannot do anything without faults. Therefore, Yao's fault lies in the emergence of four vicious tribal leaders, Zhou Gong's fault lies in Guan Shu and Cai Shu's rebellion, and Zhongni's fault. Yu gullibly believed in the words of his student Jaeyu. The emperor said: "Yao appointed Gun, but he failed to achieve results for nine years. He arranged the five kinds of supplies randomly, and the people were drowned in the flood." As for Zhong Ni's fault, it was Jae Yu's fault. It was just a matter of words and deeds, which differed in severity. As for the affairs of Zhou Gong, Guan Shu, and Cai Shu, they are also recorded in "Shang Shu", and they are all things that doctors should be familiar with. "Yu Jun replied: "This is something that the sages of ancient times had doubts about, and it cannot be discussed in depth with my superficial opinions. "Secondly speaking of "There is Gun under his command, Yu and Shun", the emperor asked: "In Yao's time, floods caused disasters, and four vicious tribal leaders were at the court. It was time to quickly appoint sages to save the people. Shun was thirty years old and his noble virtues were shining brightly, but he could not be appointed for a long time. Why? "Yu Jun replied: "Yao lamented that he was looking for talented people and wanted to give up his throne. The leaders of the four mountains said, 'Our virtues are despicable and we are not worthy of the throne.' Yao also sent the leaders of the four mountains to recommend people of humble origins, and then recommended Shun. The original intention of recommending Shun actually came from Yao. This was probably because the sage wanted to fully reflect the wishes of everyone. The emperor said: "Yao had heard about Shun but did not appoint him, and the loyal ministers at that time did not recommend him. But when he sent the leaders of the four mountains to recommend a man of humble origin and then recommended him, it cannot be said that he was eager to appoint a sage to save him." common people. Yu Jun replied: "This is beyond my humble opinion." "

So he ordered the "Book of Rites" to be explained. The emperor asked: "'Your Majesty establishes virtue, and the next thing is to repay it'." There are different ways to govern a country and educate people. What kind of political measures can be implemented to establish good virtues and show kindness without expecting others to repay it? Dr. Ma Zhao replied: "The Supreme Leader's Establishment of Virtue refers to the use of virtue to educate the people in the era of the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors. The second step is to repay charity, which refers to the use of etiquette to govern the country in the era of the Three Kings." "The emperor said: "There is a difference between the enlightenment achieved by the two, which is thin and honest. Is it true that monarchs are better or worse? Or is it because of the different times? "Ma Zhao replied: "It is true that the current situation is different from simplicity and flashiness, so the enlightenment achieved is different from humble and honest. "

In May, Ye and Shangluo reported the fall of nectar at the same time. In the sixth month of summer, Bingwu, the year name was changed to nectar. In Yichou, the green dragon appeared in the well in Yuancheng County. In autumn, in July, Yimao, Wei General Hu Zun died.

In Guiwei, Anxi General Deng Ai defeated Shu General Jiang Wei in Shanggui and issued an edict saying: "The enemy was destroyed and defeated without full use of force. Tens of thousands of beheaded and captured people came in to fight and win, and there was no one like this. Now I send envoys to reward the soldiers, hold a grand banquet for them, drink and have fun all day long, to fulfill my wish. "

In August of Gengwu, the general Sima Zhao was ordered to be granted the title of Grand Governor. When submitting matters, he did not need to mention his own name, but was awarded to Huang Yue. In Guiyou, the Taiwei Sima Fu was appointed as the Taifu. In September, Situ Gaorou was appointed Taiwei. In the winter of October, Sikong Zheng Chong was appointed Situ, and Shangshu Zuopu She Lu Yu was appointed Sikong.

In the spring of the second year of Ganlu, Qinglong appeared in Wenxian. In the well, Sikong Lu Yu died in March.

In the fourth month of Xia Guimao, an edict was issued saying: "The officials and people in Gaoxian County of Xuantu County rebelled, and the county magistrate Zheng Xi was killed by the rebels. The common people Wang Jian carried Zheng Xi's body on his back and marched day and night. , was sent to this state, and his loyalty and integrity are worthy of commendation. Now Wang Jian is specially appointed as the loyal captain to commend his outstanding behavior. "Jiazi, appointed Zhuge Dan, the general of the Eastern Expedition, as Sikong. .

At the end of the fifth month, the emperor visited Taixue in person, summoned the ministers and ordered them to compose poems. Shi Zhonghe, Shangshu Chen Qian and others were slow in writing poems. The relevant officials petitioned to remove them from their official posts. The emperor issued an edict saying: "Because of my ignorance, I love art, literature, rituals and music, and I searched extensively for poems and poems, so as to know the rules of the government." Gains and losses have caused such a chaotic situation, so I feel uneasy. Now I order to forgive He Kui and others. From now on, ministers should study the principles of ancient books and learn to understand classics to fulfill my wish. "

In Yihai, Zhuge Dan refused to accept the call, sent troops to rebel, and killed Le Wei, the governor of Yangzhou. Bingzi, pardoned the officers, officers and people in Huainan who were implicated by Zhuge Dan. Ding Chou issued an edict saying: "Zhuge Dan caused trouble and captured Yangzhou. In the past, Yingbu rebelled, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty personally conquered, Kuaixiao defied the imperial court, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty went west to conquer, and Emperor Liezuming personally conquered Wu and Shu. All in order to arouse the king's anger and show off the power of the court. Now it is time for the empress dowager and me to join forces to quickly put down the rebels and stabilize the eastern part of the country in time. "Yimao issued an edict: "Zhuge Dan created a rebellion. , persecuting those who threatened loyalty, Ping Ke General Hou Pang Hui and Cavalry Superintendent General Lu Fan each led their soldiers to cut down the camp gate and rushed out. They are brave and brave, and they should be specially commended by the Jin Dynasty. Marquis, Lu Fan was granted the title of Tinghou."

On June Yisi, an edict was issued saying: "The envoy of the State of Wu, Chijie, commanding the generals of Xiakou's military forces, Sun Yi, is a thief and bandit. A relative of the surname, whose official position was a general. He feared God and knew the destiny. He carefully judged the dangers and benefits. He suddenly repented and led his subordinates to join the great country from afar. Even if Wei Zi left the Yin Dynasty and Le Yi escaped from the Yan Kingdom, he could not defeat Sun Yat-sen. 1. Sun Yi is now appointed as the General of Chariots and Cavalry, Jiajie, Jiaozhou Mu, and Wuhou. He sets up a government office to recruit subordinate officials. The etiquette is the same as that of the three princes. According to the etiquette of the eighth-level officials in ancient times, he wears formal clothes, hats, and hats. Red shoes, treat everyone with generous courtesy."

Jiazi issued an edict: "Now that I am stationed in Xiang, the general will respectfully carry out the punishment of heaven and go to Huaipu. When Sima went on an expedition, he all went with the minister, so it should be done as usual." So he ordered Pei Xiu, the minister of the casual cavalry, and Zhong Hui, the minister of Huangmen, to go with the general. In the eighth month of autumn, an edict was issued saying: "In the past, King Yan Ci rebelled, and Han Yi and others persuaded him and he was killed. The Han Dynasty gave his son glory and high officials. Zhuge Dan caused trouble, and Xuanlong, the chief secretary, and Qin Jie, the governor of the department, persisted. He kept his integrity and resisted resolutely in the face of the incident, and was killed by Zhuge Dan. This can be said to be a person who was killed because he did not have the same kinship as Bigan and King Zhou. Now the sons of Xuanlong and Qin Jie are appointed as cavalry captains, and additionally. Rewards are displayed to places far and near to highlight the loyal people."

In September, the world is amnesty. In the winter of December, Wu's generals Quan Duan, Quan Yi and others led their subordinates to surrender.

In the spring and February of the third year of Ganlu, General Sima Zhao captured Shouchun and killed Zhuge Dan. In March, an edict was issued saying: "In ancient times, the enemy was defeated. Enemy corpses were collected, sealed with earth, and piled into tall tombs to punish rebellion and demonstrate martial arts. During the Yuanding reign of Emperor Xiaoyuan of the Han Dynasty, Tongxiang was renamed Wenxi, and the groom was Huojia. It shows the demise of South Vietnam. The general personally commanded the Sixth Army and set up camp to defend Qiutou. He suppressed the evil forces internally and eliminated the enemy invaders externally. His meritorious service saved many people and his reputation spread far and wide. The place where he defeated the enemy should have a beautiful name. Now changing Qiutou to Wuqiu shows that the rebellion was suppressed by force so that future generations will not forget it. This is also the meaning of piling up the corpses of enemies and sealing them with earth to form a high wall in ancient times and the change of the two county names in the Han Dynasty. ”

< p>In the fifth month of Xia, General Sima Zhao was appointed as the prime minister, granted the title of Duke of Jin, and granted eight counties as food towns and nine additional gifts. Sima Zhao gave up after many rejections.

In June Bingzi, an edict was issued saying: "In the past, bandits from Nanyang County came out to harass and planned to kidnap the former prefect Dongligun as a hostage. The meritorious Cao Yingyu protected Dongligun alone, and Dongligun was spared. We have suffered a disaster. Now we inform Situ that Yingyu's grandson Yinglun will be given the official position so that he can be rewarded for his devotion to justice." Wait.

In the autumn and August of Jiaxu, General Wang Chang was appointed as Sikong. Bingyin issued an edict saying: "To support the elderly and revitalize education is the reason why the good customs established in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties have been passed down for a long time. The official positions of Sanlao and Wugen must be established to express our high respect, and we sincerely invite them to give advice, Accept their teachings and record their words and deeds, and then the whole world will inherit and carry them forward. The people should be inspired by them and carefully select virtuous people as candidates to serve as the third elder and fifth watcher of Guan Neihou. The Marquis of Guannei, Zheng Xiaotong, is upright, honest, gentle, respectful, filial and friendly, and follows the etiquette without any mistakes. Now the emperor appoints Wang Xiang as the third elder and Zheng Xiaotong as the fifth officer. "The emperor personally leads the officials and implements the ancient etiquette.

This year, green dragons and yellow dragons appeared many times in wells in Dunqiu County, Champion County, and Yangxia County.

In the first month of spring of the fourth year of Ganlu, two yellow dragons appeared in a well in Lingling County. In June of Xia, Wang Chang of Sikong passed away. In the seventh month of autumn, Cao Jun, king of Chenliu, passed away. In the tenth month of winter, Bingyin, part of Xincheng County was set aside and Shangyong County was re-established. In the eleventh month of Guimao, Sun Yi, the chariot and cavalry general, was killed by his maid.

On the first day of spring in the fifth year of Ganlu, a solar eclipse occurred. In April of Xia, an edict was issued to the relevant officials to follow the previous orders and once again promote General Sima Zhao to the position of Prime Minister, be granted the title of Duke of Jin, and be granted nine additional gifts.

In May, Yi Chou, the Duke of Gaogui Township, died at the age of twenty. The Empress Dowager issued an order saying: "I suffered family misfortunes because of my lack of virtue. I used to support Cao Mao, the son of King Donghai. As the successor of Emperor Ming, I saw that he loved memorials and articles and hoped that he would become a great minister. However, he had a violent and surly temperament. , getting worse day by day. After I severely reprimanded him many times, he became even more angry and made up evil and rebellious words to slander me. So the emperor and the queen mother severed all contact with each other. What he said was unbearable to listen to. Heaven and earth can bear it. I secretly told the general that he could not be enshrined in the ancestral temple, lest he subvert the country. After his death, I would not have the face to see the late emperor. The general thought that he was still young and said that he would change his mind. We argued with each other repeatedly, but the boy was unreasonable and did worse things. He raised his crossbow and shot an arrow into my palace from a distance, hoping to hit me in the neck. The arrow fell in front of me. He said that he had to be deposed, and he said it dozens of times. This kid had heard everything and knew that he was guilty, so he tried to murder me and bribed the people around me to secretly poison me while I was taking the medicine. He set up plans again and again. After the matter was discovered and exposed, he wanted to lead his troops directly into the West Palace to kill me, and then attack the general when he came out. He summoned the minister Wang Shen, the minister Wang Ye, and the minister Wang Jing. , took out the edict written on yellow silk in his arms and showed it to them, saying that it would be implemented today. My situation is more dangerous than the stacked eggs. I am old and widowed, do I still regret my life too much? His last wish could not be fulfilled, and he was just sad that the country was overthrown. Relying on the gods of the ancestral temple, Wang Chen and Wang Ye immediately rode on their horses to tell the general, so that they could be closely guarded in advance, and the child led the people around him out of Yunlong Gate. , beat the war drum, drew his sword himself, and entered the guarded military formation with the motley guards on the left and right, and was killed by the vanguard. This child not only did something rebellious and unethical, but also fell into a big disaster, which made me even more sad. I was speechless. In the past, the king of Changyi in the Han Dynasty was deposed as a commoner for his crimes. This child should also be buried according to the rites of a commoner. Everyone inside and outside the court should know what the child did. Wang Jing, whose cruel and rebellious nature is unspeakable, now orders Wang Jing and his family to be arrested and handed over to Tingwei for investigation."

Gengyin, Taifu Sima Fu, General Sima Zhao, Taiwei Gao Rou, and others. Situ Zheng Chong kowtowed and said: "I respectfully saw the order of the Empress Dowager. The late noble countryman was disobedient and fell into great disaster. According to the precedent of the Han Dynasty when King Changyi was deposed for crimes, he should be buried according to common people's etiquette." . The ministers and others were in official positions, but they could not rectify the chaos and stop the evil and rebellion. They were shocked and panicked after receiving the order, and their hearts were trembling with uneasiness. According to the righteousness of "Spring and Autumn", the king has no foreign lands, but it is recorded that "King Zhou Xiang went out to live in Zheng State", which cannot be said. Serving his mother separated him from the throne of the emperor. Now, the noble countryman has done anything illegal, almost harmed the country, brought his own destruction, and was abandoned by humans and gods. He is buried according to the rites of the common people. It is indeed in line with the past. System. However, I thought that His Highness was extremely kind and compassionate, and even though he was righteous, I still felt pity for him. I really couldn't bear it and thought that I could give him grace and bury him according to the king's etiquette.

"The Queen Mother listened to their opinions.

Sent an envoy holding a talisman to act as the general of the Zhonghu Army, Sima Yan, to the north to welcome Cao Huang, the Duke of Changdao Township, as the successor of Emperor Ming. Xinmao, the princes reported to the Queen Mother. : "Your Highness's noble virtues have been glorious and prosperous, and peace has saved the world. However, the letter is still called "order", which is the same as the vassal state. Please, from now on, the orders issued by Your Highness will be called the Zhao system, in accordance with the old system of the previous generation. "

In Guimao, the general resolutely refused the favor of the Prime Minister, the Duke of Jin, and Jiuci. The Queen Mother issued an edict saying: "Don't cover up your merits. This is the great principle of the Book of Changes. Fulfill the good deeds of others. It was advocated by the sages in ancient times. Now we follow the insistence of the general and write a watch to show it to the world to commend his virtue of humility. "

Wushen, the general Sima Zhao said: "The noble township leader led the soldiers who followed him, drew his sword, beat the bells and drums and rushed towards the minister's residence. The minister was afraid of a sword fight, so he ordered the soldiers not to harm him, and anyone who disobeyed the order would be dealt with according to military law. The prince, the younger brother of the Cavalry Commander Cheng Wu, sacrificed his life for Cheng Ji. He rushed into the military formation from the side and killed the noble countryman, thus killing him. The minister immediately arrested Cheng Ji to enforce military law. I heard that the integrity of a minister is to die for the king without any second thoughts, to serve the king's righteousness, and not to dare to escape from disaster. The unexpected thing happened suddenly, and the disaster was about to explode like an arrow on the bow. I really wanted to abandon myself and wait for death, letting the emperor decide. But thinking that his original intention was to harm the empress dowager and subvert the dynasty. I feel unworthy of my great responsibility, and my duty is to stabilize the country. I am afraid that even if I die, my guilt will be even more serious. Wanting to follow the expedient measures of Yi Yin and Zhou Gong to stabilize the country's crisis, he repeatedly sent people to warn him not to approach the emperor's chariot. However, Cheng Ji suddenly rushed into the military formation, causing a big change. I am sad and resentful, my internal organs are broken, and I don’t know where I can go to fall to death? The laws and regulations stipulate that parents, wives, sons and brothers of those who commit treason must be beheaded. Cheng Ji was violent and rebellious, violating the country and disturbing the law. Killing him would not be able to atone for his sins. Immediately ordered Shi Yushi to arrest Cheng Ji's family members and hand them over to Tingwei. The case was concluded and he was sentenced for his crimes. The Queen Mother issued an edict saying: "There is no greater crime punishable according to the five punishments than unfilial piety." If a man has a son who is unfilial and needs to be sued to punish him, how can this child become a monarch again? As a woman of my generation, I don’t understand the truth, and I think it’s treasonous to think that it can’t be successful. But the general was sincere and what he said was very sad, so he agreed to his request. It should be announced to places near and far to let people know what happened. "

In June of Guichou, he issued an edict saying: "In ancient times, when monarchs chose names, it was difficult to offend and easy to avoid taboos. Nowadays, it is difficult to avoid the name of Chang Daoxianggong. He ordered the ministers of the DPRK and the Central Government to discuss the replacement of his name extensively and submit the memorial in turn. ”