It means to remove impurities and make them pure. The pinyin is dèng shā tài lì. From Qing Ji Jing's "Sacrifice to Zhang Hao Wenwen": "If the heart is United, it seems to be financialized, and the sand is washed away, the essence remains unchanged." It is linked; As predicate and attribute; With praise. Synonym is to get the essence from the rough. The traditional method is to remove sand and gravel.
The word "Cheng Zi" means quiet and clear water; The word sand means very fine stone particles; Eliminating this word means elutriation; The word gravel means small stones and broken heads.
The idiom "Chengsha" is generally named after the words "Chengsha", "Sand" and "Gravel", which means thriving and flourishing, and can be named Meisha, Rongcheng and Rongcheng.