1, the source is Ji surname. Prince Jin, the son of his son, said that he was abolished as a civilian because of remonstrance. His son Jing Zong still holds the post of Si Tuleideng in North Korea. At that time, it was called "Wang" because it was a descendant of the royal family. This tribe took Wang as its surname.
2. The source of the surname. At the end of Shang Dynasty, Zhou Wang was dissolute. Bigan repeatedly made Yan Qiang protest and was killed. Because Bigan was originally a prince, his descendants took Wang as their surname.
3. The source of the surname. Wang Gui is an important branch of Wang Xing, whose ancestor is Yu Shun. After the Shang Dynasty was destroyed, Gui Man, a descendant of Yu Shun, was sealed in Chen, and Chen Wan changed his surname to Tian after becoming an official in Qi.
4. After Prince Danyuan of Yan State. The great-grandson of Yan Taizi Dan is a famous woman. He gave his life, won the favor of Wang Mang and gave him the surname Wang.