How to set foreign key constraints in MySQL and the role of foreign keys

1. There are two main functions of foreign keys: one is to allow the database to ensure the integrity and consistency of data through foreign keys; the other is to increase the readability of the ER diagram 2. Foreign keys Configuration

1. There are two main functions of foreign keys:

One is to let the database itself ensure the integrity and integrity of data through foreign keys. Consistency

One is to increase the readability of the ER diagram

2. Configuration of foreign keys

1) First create a main table, the code is as follows:

#Create table student and add various constraints

create table student


id int primary key, #Primary key constraints

name varchar(20), #unique constraint

age int NOT NULL, #non-null constraint

sex varchar(2),

< p> address varchar(20) default 'Chongqing' #Default constraints


Create a score table through a foreign key, so that it can be easily queried. The code is as follows:

#Create score table

create table score


id int primary key ,

sid int,

china int,

history int,

english int,

constraint FK_sid foreign key(sid) references student (id) #Create a link through a foreign key

) ;

There are many ways to create a foreign key. The most common format for creating a foreign key is: constraint FK_*** foreign key (**) references linked table

Delete foreign key:

alter table drop foreign key 'foreign key name'.


Only when defining a foreign key, use the constraint foreign key name... to facilitate the deletion of the foreign key

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