-A poem from the tomb, "If the Qing Dynasty is disrespectful, why not be a sage?" 》
Jin: Jin is pronounced as jǐn, and the five elements of Jin belong to fire. It is used as a name, meaning virtue, purity, nobility and beauty;
Rong: Rong is pronounced as róng, and Rong's five elements belong to wood. As a name, it means honor, fame, reputation and respect.
2. Lin Rouyao
-From Yang Fangshi "It's like a Yao Xian holding a jade bag, living under one roof for four generations. 》
Rou: Rou is pronounced as róu, and the five elements of Rou belong to wood. When used as a name, it means beautiful as a flower, gentle, gentle and virtuous.
Yao: Yao is pronounced yáo, and Yao's five elements belong to fire. It is used as a name to mean a pure, lively, beautiful and hopeful future.
3. Lin Yijun
-from Xu Rui's poem, "Take a gourd ladle of water as JUNSHOU, and I have been in New Year's Eve ever since. 》
Yi: easy to read as y, easy to belong to the soil. When used as a name, it means peace, smoothness, harmony and gentleness.
Jun: The word Jun is pronounced jūn, and the five elements of Jun belong to wood. As a name, it means kingship, dignity and integrity.