Many notebook product series now like to call XXPad. What does the pad here mean?


pad means "cushion" and "walking along...", those names have nothing more than these meanings I want to express that my product is the most representative in the XX field and can best take advantage of the XX field.

In addition, pad is also extended to mean flat and thin, and is used to describe notebooks no matter how big or small they are. It couldn't be more suitable, hence the name.

Attachment: ThinkPad:

"The name "ThinkPad" was inspired by IBM's scratchpad. Every IBM employee may go to the IBM training center Everyone who is being trained will get a pad ("pad" in English) with the company's motto "THINK" printed on it. At a meeting to discuss the name of a portable computer product, a participant casually picked it up. Throwing such a pad into the air and landing it on the conference table, another participant was inspired to propose the name "ThinkPad". At first, IBM executives opposed the use of this name because IBM had always used numbers in the past. To identify the product model. However, the name "ThinkPad" was greatly welcomed and loved by employees and customers, and eventually IBM executives compromised and agreed to use "ThinkPad" as the product name.