First, the singularity of zongzi. Generally, zongzi are wrapped in glutinous rice and other materials, and some zongzi contain millet or other food. These are common ways to make zongzi. However, the ice-covered zongzi broke people's concept of ordinary zongzi. This kind of zongzi is wrapped in a unique way, and the stuffing used is similar to that in glutinous rice balls. In summer, people freeze zongzi in the refrigerator and then take it out to eat. It will be cold and very delicious. Although his production is wonderful, his taste is also deeply loved by everyone.
Second, the wonderful meat jiaozi. In our impression, glutinous rice and some seasonings are often wrapped in glutinous rice, and some edible pork is added. Finally, the delicious and tempting salty jiaozi is presented. Then people made salted egg yolk and fresh meat zongzi, and it was a very delicious practice to combine salted egg yolk and salted meat zongzi. With the constant change of people's tastes, everyone's tastes are different, so some durian-flavored and crayfish-flavored zongzi are also produced. Even in order to satisfy their taste buds, people will wrap their favorite dishes in it, such as fish-flavored shredded pork or braised pork with dried plum.
Although these kinds of zongzi look wonderful, each kind of zongzi has some groups suitable for him to buy.