How can I put my important password in the picture and open the picture with notepad to see my password?

Step 1: Prepare the file we want to hide, such as a doc file of a word document named file.doc.

Step 2: Prepare a jpg picture, regardless of its size. For example, the jpg picture is called: pic.jpg.

Step 3: compress the file.doc into a rar file (if you don't have rar software installed on your computer, I have nothing to say, so download one and install it quickly), right-click the file.doc, choose to add it to the compressed file, write the file name in the regular place, name it file.rar, select Advanced at the top, click the Set Password button on the right, check the Display Password and Encrypted Folder, and then enter the Chinese password.

[Why do you use Chinese passwords? Because no one can think of Chinese passwords, even if you think of using Chinese passwords, it is more difficult to crack. If Chinese is mixed with special symbols, such as! # $% ................... * (like that, add a number 9 and the letter Z, and this password will be even more abnormal).

[Why do you want to encrypt the file name? Because after encrypting the file name, people double-click your RAR file and ask for a password. Without a password, you can't even see the file name, let alone decompress it. ]

Step 4: Enter cmd into the console at the beginning of the operation. If your file.rar and pic.jpg are under disk D, you can enter D: Enter into disk D on the console, and then enter: copy/b pic.jpg+file.rar file.jpg.

That's it. At this point, driver D should generate a picture named file.jpg. When you open it, it is the same as pic.jpg, but if you look at its size, you will find that its size is the sum of file.rar and pic.jpg. Yes, it's merged, and your rar file is also in it.

If you want to check your rar, it's easy. Just change the suffix to. rar。 After double-clicking, you will be asked to enter the password, because you just set the password. Enter your Chinese. What happened? Chinese can't get in, haha! ! ! Open notepad, first enter Chinese password, and then copy and paste these words on rar.