Chinese scientific name
Cynanchum bungeanum
Cynanchum bungeanum, Cynanchum japonicum, Cough Medicine
Plant kingdom
Dicotyledonous plant class
medicinal parts
pungent and bitter, slightly warm.
meridian tropism
lung meridian tropism.
lowering qi, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough.
Used for lung qi stagnation, cough with excessive phlegm, chest fullness and dyspnea.
Related compatibility
Treatment of chronic cough and blood spitting: Rhizoma Cynanchi, Cortex Mori, Radix Platycodi, Radix Glycyrrhizae (roasted). Serve four flavors, cut them, take two liters of water, boil half a liter, and take them on an empty stomach. If it is heavy, ten doses. Avoid pork, seaweed and shepherd's purse. (near-effective prescription)
Usage and dosage
3 ~ 1g.
people who cough due to yin deficiency and lung and kidney deficiency should take it carefully.
collecting and processing
digging in autumn, washing and drying.
processing method
1. Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii: remove impurities, wash, moisten thoroughly, cut into sections and dry.
2. Before white honey: Before taking white honey, fry it according to the honey-baking method until it doesn't stick to your hands.
physiological characteristics
1. Cynanchum willows: perennial herb. 3 ~ 6 cm high. Rootstock creeping. The stem is erect, simple and lignified at the lower part. Simple leaves opposite, with short stalks; Leaf blade lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 3 ~ 8 cm long and 3 ~ 8 mm wide, apex tapering, base tapering, and edge rolling back; The lower leaves are shorter and wider; The leaves at the top are getting shorter and narrower. Cymes are axillary, the total pedicel is 8 ~ 15 mm long, and most bracteoles are inserted above the middle; Calyx green, 5-parted, lobes ovate-lanceolate; Corolla purple, 5-parted, lobes linear, about 5 mm long, base short tubular; Corona 5, the upper part around the top of pistil, shorter than pistil; Stamens 5, combined with pistil to form pistil, anthers 2-loculed; Pistil 1, ovary superior, 2 carpels almost separated, style 2, connected at the top into a flat disk-shaped stigma. Follicles horny, about 7 cm long. Seeds are numerous, with white fine villi at the top. Flowering in June. The fruiting period is October.
2. Cynanchum multiflorum: perennial herb, 25 ~ 4 cm high. Rootstock creeping, nodes clustered with many fibrous roots. The stem is erect, the young branches are brown hairy, and the old branches often have a part of hairy. Leaves opposite, almost sessile; Leaf blade oval, 2.5 ~ 5 cm long, .8 ~ 1.5 cm wide, rounded or acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, entire. Cymes axillary; Calyx yellow-green, nearly divided, lobes ovate; Corolla yellow-white, deeply 5-lobed, lobes ovoid; Corona 5, yellow-green, fleshy and tumor-shaped, with the upper part surrounding the top of pistil, almost as long as pistil; Stamens 5, drug covering the apex of pistil; The ovary is superior and consists of two carpels that are almost separated, and the top of the two styles are connected to form a thick flat disk-shaped stigma. 1 ~ 2 follicles, long and narrow oval, about 4.5 cm long. Seeds are numerous, with white fine villi at the top. Flowering in August. The fruiting period is from September to October.
Growing environment
All of them grow in the shoals and sand moraines along the river, even semi-submerged in water.