Originated in the Russian countryside. The story of Russian matryoshka dolls originated in the Russian countryside. Legend has it that there was a farmer's daughter named Maria. She was beautiful and intelligent, and was the best needlework expert in the village. One day, Maria picked up a strange tree root by the river in the village. It looked like dolls of different sizes, one layer inside another. She was attracted by this strange thing, so she took it home, used her needlework skills to carve the root into an exquisite toy, and named it a "matryoshka doll". Whenever a child in the village gets sick, Maria will use matryoshka dolls to pray for the child. She believed that the layered doll symbolized the cycle of life and the power of healing. Soon after, a miracle happened and these children all recovered. From then on, the villagers believed that the matryoshka doll had magical powers and could keep their children healthy and safe.