Examples of English names:
Minoru is a male name with six letters in it. It is a resounding English name. Naming a male means he is upright and can overcome difficulties. , good-looking! Minoru originates from Japanese, and this name is more common abroad. In this case, it doesn't mean "truth" but "results." Minoru Saitō is a Japanese solo yachtsman and one of the world's best-known senior ocean racers.
Archana is a name for a little lady. Generally speaking, the length of the English name "archana" is 7. It is good-looking and pleasant to the ear. Especially for little ladies who need English names at work, this English name is very suitable. . According to our analysis, people named Archana are considered to be more beautiful and handsome. This name is quite popular abroad. Arcana contains the meaning of "reverence, praise" in Sanskrit. She is also India's first female diving instructor and has done many deep sea dives.
Hester is a woman’s name. It looks very cold and sounds very loud. Women chose the English name Hester to show that women are caring and at the same time, it also has a good meaning for children. Be loving, be loving. The history of hester comes from Persian and Latin, and this name is quite popular abroad. The historical meaning of Hester is Norwegian and means "horse". Hester Kohler is one of the main characters in The Deep, a film adaptation of Terence Rattigan's play.