Dragon with blue head, purple crown, night bright helmet, willow leaf, bamboo armor, golden crown, phoenix wing, golden helmet, fish scale armor, three-pronged handsome helmet, big leaf red copper armor, willow leaf phoenix wing armor, Aolong silver helmet, lock, golden armor, eight-edged rolled along the lotus leaf helmet
Double dragon pearl helmet
Big leaf gold armor, eight-pronged purple helmet, big leaf purple armor, bright silver helmet, bright silver armor, brocade serial armor, four-sided Helmet with big leaf scales
bright gold helmet with nine swallows and eight locks, chain armor, gold helmet-gold big leaf dragon scales, iron lotus leaf helmet, big leaf dragon scales, black gold helmet-black gold helmet
bronze lotus leaf helmet-big leaf bronze dragon helmet-dragon armor, armored fish, leather armor, purple and gold helmet-chain mail hair purple crown. Ye Shuai helmet rolled along the purple helmet
plain tassel helmet-silver leaf armor-wrought iron helmet-wrought iron armor red gold armor
gold armor brass helmet-brass armor Zijin armor gold handsome helmet silver training helmet chain armor big leaf red gold armor
handsome word armor Wujin Wulong plate bead crown Zijin Wulong plate bead crown hair-avoiding crown Prince Jinguan red copper helmet lock chain silver leaf pond. Dragon Scale and White Dragon Helmet-Silver Dragon Armor, Flying Phoenix Helmet, Bright Silver Trident Handsome Helmet, Tiger Head Soap, Golden Helmet, Eight Treasures, Serial Armor, Purple tassel Helmet, nine lions Noisy Silver Helmet, Zijin Lion Helmet