The origin of the name Apple



Chapter 3 of "Old Testament. Genesis" talks about the origin of mankind. It is said that God created Adam and Eve, the ancestors of mankind, in Eden in the east built a garden for them to live in. In the Garden of Eden grew all kinds of trees that were pleasing to the eye, with all kinds of fruits growing on them. God commanded Adam: You are free to eat any fruit in the garden, but you cannot eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat it, you will surely die. This "forbidden fruit" is apple. Later, Adam's spouse Eve listened to the temptation of the serpent, ignored the oracle, ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of good and evil, and gave the fruit to her husband. Adam ate in a hurry because of fear, and a piece of fruit choked in the roar, and it could not come up or come down, leaving a lump, which was called "Adam's apple." After eating the fruit, the two became enlightened and could know good and evil, beauty and ugliness. But because they disobeyed God's warning, they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. From then on, Adam always had an "Adam's Adam's apple" on the front of his neck as "evidence" of eating the forbidden fruit. God also punished Adam, "You must live by the sweat of your brow." But he also said that when Adam was eating, God came, so Adam hurriedly swallowed it, but it got choked in his throat. So the human Adam's apple formed.