Baby's horoscope is: Wuzi, Yichou, Renshen, Renyin. There are two earth, one metal, three water, two wood, and the five elements lack fire. On the day of Renshui, those born in the Chou month will be extremely prosperous and declining, so use Bing fire. Jia wood is the god for regulating the marquis. Bing penetrates, Jia comes out, and the value of Jia is high. If the horoscope lacks fire, choose a name to make up for it. Bing fire is the sun fire, and can be used with the radicals of sun, fire and the words such as red, red, and red. There is Jiamu in the Yin branch.
Possible names: Zeng Jincan, Zeng Jinhe, Zeng Jinming, Zeng Jinyang, Zeng Jinhui.
For reference.