Looking for some nice Western names, not too long. The more the better.

Wade, Wade, UK, wanderer.

Walker, Walker, UK, a person walking in the woods.

Walter, Walter in ancient Germany and France, refers to the person who leads the army, or a powerful warrior.

Ward, Ward, British, protector.

Warner, Warner, Germany, a person who resisted aggression.

Wayne, Wayne, England, builder of carriages, four-wheeled carriages.

Webb, Webb, British, weaver.

Webster, Webster, UK, weaver.

Wendell, Wendell Teutonic, wanderer.

Werner, Vernal Germany, defends the country and defends against invaders.

Wilbur, Wilbur, England, a city with many willow trees, brilliant.

Will, Will, France, a powerful warrior or protector.

William, William, Germany, France, a powerful warrior or defender.

Willie, Willie, Germany, a powerful warrior or defender.

Winfred, Wilfred, Wells white waves; peace-loving friends.

Winston, Winston, UK, from a friend's town or residence, stone.

Woodrow, Woodrow, Norway, people who live in forest huts.

That’s enough. If it’s not enough, you can also refer to it. There are many Internet names and other things in it