2. Use sterilization to keep fresh. Pour the mashed garlic into the pot, add water to boil the garlic juice, cool it, put the orange in it for a few minutes, then take it out and air dry it naturally. It can also be kept fresh for several months.
If you want to keep oranges longer, you need to use baking soda. Alkaline noodles for hair at home are also acceptable. The method is simple. Let's get things ready first. Three thousand milliliters of water needs about thirty grams of baking soda, and the ratio is 100: 1. Such a big spoon, one spoon is enough. Stir it and let it dissolve completely. It's great to put oranges now. Be sure to soak all oranges in the solution. Then rub them one by one. Make sure that the surface of each orange is completely dyed by the solution. Take it out when you are ready and put it in a ventilated place to dry naturally.