Duke Zhou dreamed that she was in a hurry.

Duke Zhou dreamed that the snake entered the kitchen and was in a hurry to get rich. When the snake entered the kitchen, it got an official position and got the help of a noble person in Longxing. When a woman sees a snake, it gives birth to a noble child. The snake bit the Lord and made a fortune. A snake in your arms gives birth to your son. When it swims in the water, it goes to glory. When it walked with people, it went to the valley and gave birth to a noble child. When there were many snakes, it gave birth to a noble child.

Those who dream that snakes are in power are lucky, those who dream that snakes and tigers are rich are lucky, those who dream that snakes are seriously ill are fierce under the bed, those who go to bed are dead, those who fight with snakes are silent, those who bite people are sad, those who hit snakes are uneasy at home, and those who kill snakes are lucky.

This is a symbol of good luck.

Stumbling. Guess an animal, a dog, a belt,

Which is easier, commodity inspection or customs declaration? Urgent. Commodity inspection: In short, it is commodity inspection. Generally used in import and export trade. Of course, sometimes domestic trade transactions in different places may also be used, but it is less. The invoice issued by the commodity inspection agency proves the quality and quantity of your goods after inspection. Buyers can know whether the quality of the goods meets their needs by the commodity inspection list issued by you. Sometimes it is listed as one of the negotiation documents.

Correspondence. Commodity inspection is relatively simple.

What about Dai's family in Chengdu? Urgent! Welcome to campus for consultation. Dai's education is distributed in Chengdu.

The main content of Mo Yan's mother! The urgent article focuses on the pictures in my mother's memory, my worries and nostalgia for her, and the education of my father and grandfather, so that the author can grow up healthily in the glory of human nature.

Urgent! Excuse me, what's the difference between en réalité and en effet? Effet is an affirmative sentence, which usually means "indeed, as expected" The latest word is effective.

In fact, this is the best. => It's really delicious.

En réalité is a turning point, which usually means "actually".

For example: Ila l 'aircalme. Enré alité,Ilest Trè s en Colè re。 He looks very calm. In fact, he was very angry.

What should I do if my period itches? I'm worried about you:

* * * menstrual itching can be seen in * * * inflammation, cervicitis, allergies, unclean hygiene, etc. It is suggested to pay attention to menstrual hygiene, change * * * frequently, wash vulva with warm water at ordinary times, and use qualified sanitary napkins produced by regular national manufacturers. If the symptoms are still not relieved or disappeared, you need to go to the hospital in time. b

Skin problem of 3-year-old child, urgent! You'd better take him to the hospital. After all, he is a child. Take good care of him.

Math problems, fast, fast, urgent ~~ 1. Let the annual interest rate be x.

25000( 1+x)-25000 * x * 0.2 = 26000

X = 0.05, with an annual interest rate of 5%.

2. There are x employees.

x( 1-0.25) = 600

The solution is x = 800.

3. Let students walk for t hours.

5 *(t+ 1/6)= 14 * 1/6

T = 0.3, so I walked for 60*0.3 = 18 minutes.

4. Four warehouses have been established, each of which stores 45 tons of grain. After the same batch is transferred from each warehouse, another batch will be delivered. This batch is three times that of the last batch, with a total reserve of 150 tons. How much did each warehouse transfer?

Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! How to pronounce the word "hesitation" in Rain Lane! ? Panghuang

It's all the second sound.