I dreamed that someone gave me pork.

Duke Zhou: The cooked meat from dream of eating shows that life is well off and there is no shortage of money to spend. Duke Zhou: dream of eating has raw meat, which means that family life is not harmonious enough and disputes may occur. Duke Zhou: The stale meat in dream of eating means that you may get sick. Duke Zhou: If you dream of meat or eat it, you will get rich. Duke Zhou: dream of eating human flesh can make a lot of money and become a millionaire. Duke Zhou: I dreamed of selling meat and marrying my sweetheart. Duke Zhou: I dream of opening a butcher shop, and life at home will be very hard. Duke Zhou: When I dream of cook the meat, business will get better. Duke Zhou: Dreaming of carrion is a sign of illness. Duke Zhou: dream of eating lion meat or wolf meat will be insane.