The allusions in Dream of the Duke of Zhou come from The Analects of Confucius, which records Confucius' words and deeds. Confucius said, "I am too weak! For a long time, I stopped dreaming about Duke Zhou! " It means: "Hey! I'm too old! I haven't dreamed of Duke Zhou for a long time.
Scholars love to use the allusion of "dreaming of Duke Zhou" to remember the sages. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhen said in Wen Shao Fu that "I dream of the Duke of Zhou, but I don't see him, but I think of virtue and wonder", and in the Song Dynasty, Su Shi also said that "I dream of the Duke of Zhou now, but I have been to the Forbidden City in the Spring and Autumn Period"
Later, the meaning of "Duke of Zhou" became more and more extensive and gradually became synonymous with "dream", so people habitually called sleeping "seeing Duke of Zhou" and "dating Duke of Zhou".
As for the famous Duke of Zhou, it is not directly related to Duke of Zhou himself, but a dream interpretation book written by later generations under the guise of Duke of Zhou. However, the reason why this book is widely circulated among the people and has a great influence is also because of the great reputation and prestige of Duke Zhou.
Duke of Zhou
Later generations wrote it in the name of Duke Ji Dan of Zhou. This book lists all kinds of dreams and predicts their good luck or bad luck. Duke Zhou is a frequent figure in Confucius' dreams. In China, where Confucianism has dominated the culture for a long time, Duke Zhou is inevitably directly associated with dreams. Dreams are often called "dreams of the Duke of Zhou" or "dreaming of the Duke of Zhou". Dream culture is an indispensable part of China ancient culture. Although it is difficult to be elegant, it is widely circulated among the people. Duke of Zhou is a book about dream interpretation, which is popular among the people. However, in human culture, the understanding of dreams has always been a mystery, regardless of ancient and modern times.