Being surrounded by bees destroys wealth. Duke Zhou
There are many bees, and the auspicious day is coming. Duke Zhou
Bees abandon honey. Duke Zhou
Dream bees pick flowers. This is a dream advocated by adults, which is selfless, upright and auspicious. Secretary of broken dreams
Dream bees pick flowers. Some adult advocates dream of this, willing to serve the public, selfless, there are risks ahead, stop at risks. Meng Lin Xuan steet
I dreamed that bees were in droves and the queen bee flew to the sky. This dream is like an image in everyone's mind. If there is light, you will be very sleepy. Where you are, you will get your disciples, and when you go out, you will get your place. This will be a noble auspicious sign, and act according to time. But beekeepers should not have this dream. Meng Lin Xuan steet
The dream bee stung itself, fiercely. Some want to harm themselves, and some hate each other. Meng Lin Xuan steet
Dream bees come to sting. The Lord shows signs of being slandered and framed by villains, so be careful. Secretary of broken dreams
Psychological dream interpretation
Interpretation of dreams: Seeing bees in dreams often symbolizes danger, but it also means taming and benefiting. If you are bitten by a bee in your dream, you should be careful of being hurt. If a swarm of bees attacks you, it means that you are ready to create an uncontrollable situation and situation.
Psychoanalysis: If the female bee, the queen bee, participates in the dream, it means that you are eager to reflect "progress and success" in any way. Perhaps it has always been your wish to get the support and help of others in your chosen goal. You know, you must work very hard, be immortal and regenerate.
Spiritual symbol: A bee symbolizes order, immortality and rebirth.