Can cinnabar wash your face?
Cinnabar Pinyin: zhū shā is mercury sulfide, and its chemical name is HgS Cinnabar, also known as Cinnabar, Red Cinnabar, Red Cinnabar and Mercury Sand. It is a natural mineral of mercury sulfide with bright red color, diamond luster to metallic luster, and belongs to the tripartite crystal system. The main component of cinnabar is mercury sulfide, but it is often mixed with realgar, apatite and asphaltene. There are different opinions about whether cinnabar has sedative and hypnotic effects; It has the functions of detoxification and antisepsis; External use can inhibit or kill skin bacteria and parasites. Cinnabar is a compound of mercury, and mercury has a special affinity with hydrophobic groups in protein. At high concentration, it can inhibit many enzymes and activities. Mercury entering the body is mainly distributed in the liver and kidney, causing liver and kidney damage and directly damaging the central nervous system through the blood-brain barrier.