How many Duke of Zhou were there in history? Who is the Duke of Zhou who is often said to be the Duke of Zhou? How many etiquette did Duke Zhou make?

The ritual system was founded and formulated by Zhou Gongdan.

Zhou Gongdan is similar to Dourgen in Qing Dynasty.

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Duke Zhou, namely Zhou Gongdan, was Zhou Chengwang's uncle and made great contributions to the establishment and perfection of the feudal system in the Zhou Dynasty.

Duke Zhou enjoys a lofty position in Confucian culture. Confucius said, "I no longer dream of Duke Zhou" is a metaphor for the loss of etiquette culture in the Zhou Dynasty.

Duke Zhou is a frequent figure in Confucius' dreams. In China, where Confucian culture has dominated for a long time, Duke Zhou is inevitably directly associated with dreams. Dreams are often called "dreams of Duke Zhou" or "dreams of Duke Zhou".

Therefore, the Duke of Zhou is Zhou Gongdan.

China's greatest thinker was Confucius or Duke Zhou?

Confucius and Duke Zhou are politicians, not thinkers. Etiquette serves the rule of oneself.

How many Duke Zhou are there in history?

In Zhou Wuwang, he named his kin the Prince of the East, while Zhou Gongdan was named the Prince of the East. But instead of going, he asked his eldest son, Boqin, to take office. He stayed in Haojing (now Chang 'an County, Shaanxi Province) and assisted the Emperor with Zhao. Because its fief is in Zhou, it and its descendants are called Duke of Zhou.

blood relationship

Although Sima Qian wrote Historical Records, he wrote about the Duke of Zhou and his descendants. However, the lineage of Zhou (the second son of Zhou Wengong) is not recorded in detail, and the recorded lineage is Lu Gongbo (the eldest son of Zhou Wengong). Therefore, this list is compiled according to books such as Chunqiu Zuozhuan, Zhou Benji Historical Records and Chronology of Modern Bamboo Books.

Posthumous title monarch's name, years in office, years in office, identity reference materials.

1 Zhou Wengong Ji Dan 28 Zhou Wuwang's first year-Zhou Chengwang 10 Zhou Wenwang's fourth son, Zhou Wuwang's brother "Historical Records of Zhou Benji"

Historical records of Duke Zhou of Lu

Chronology of this bamboo book

2 weeks Ji Junchen 1 1 year-? Zhou Wengong's Second Son "Chronology of Bamboo Books Today"

Lost the review of intermediate descent.

Historical Records Zhou Benji after Zhou and Zhou.

Lost the review of intermediate descent.

Zhou Huan has black arms? -The following week, in 693, "Zuo Zhuan Huan Gong Five Years"

Fail in the middle-aged exam

Jealous of your father? -Zuo Zhuan was the grandson of Duke Huan of Zhou in 636.

635 years before reading? Son of the Duke of Zhou, who was jealous of his father, Zuo Zhuan Wen Zhuan was fourteen years old.

Duke Zhou's son Zuo Zhuan's Eleven Years as a Duke.

[edit] reference

Zuo Qiuming, Zuo Zhuan in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Sima Qian's Historical Records

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