The specific meaning and origin of the English name "Aaron"


Old Testament characters

Aaron was the first high priest, and his position was so glorious. Although he was a pioneer of Christ in priesthood and work, he was never enough to praise Christ in life and character. Aaron's biggest weakness is that he dare not say "no" and is easily pushed around. The Bible records three major failures in his life, all because he followed others unwittingly, committed crimes with others and was blamed with others.

A golden calf

Scripture: Exodus Chapter 32

The worship of the golden calf by Israelis is the most serious crime since the Israelites left Egypt, and it happened just after the publication of the Ten Commandments and the establishment of the Old Testament. Of course, unbelieving and ignorant Israelis should bear their own sins. But Aaron, as one of the spiritual leaders, is hard to blame in this matter. He fell into such a serious mistake only because he didn't dare to say "no", 1 didn't dare to offend everyone and face people's opposition; He knows the truth, but he dare not practice it.

Aaron told us that people who only know the truth may not follow the truth, but they must have the will and courage to obey God's will in order to practice the truth they know.

Aaron was obviously chosen by God as the spokesman for Moses. When Moses was called, he thought he had no eloquence God said to Moses, "Isn't your brother Aaron the Levite there? I know that he has a good eloquence ... "(Exodus 4: 14- 16) So God made Aaron the" mouth "of Moses, and together with Moses, tried to win the opportunity for Israel to leave Egypt. At that time, Egyptians regarded cows as sacred animals, and there were many idols of cows among the people. Yue Se's strange dream is mainly symbolized by "cow" because it is easier for Egyptians to understand. Therefore, the image of the calf is not God, but God. The Israelites wanted to leave Egypt, where calves were idolized, to serve God (for example. 8: l, 20-2 1, 28, 32, 9: 1-3, 13, 10:3-4, 7 ...), Aaron fully understands. "(for example. 20:4) Aaron promised to cast a golden calf at the request of Israel, which means "don't care about God's will, only care about man's will" (Matthew. 16:23).

In fact, in Moses' absence, Aaron was both Moses' spokesman and high priest. As long as he opposes the creation of the golden calf or boldly says something encouraging and warning, he should be able to stop the Israelis from committing the crime of worshipping the golden calf. But Aaron was afraid to say "no" from the beginning, and according to the record in Exodus 32: 1-6, Aaron promised to make a golden calf for the Israelites as long as they asked. Later, when Moses came down from the mountain and scolded him, he replied ... I told them that anyone who had a gold ring could take it off. They gave it to me. I threw the gold ring into the fire and the calf came out. "(for example. 32:24) A close reading of this passage reveals that the facts recorded in the Bible are both humorous and ironic. How did Aaron throw the golden ring into the fire and the golden calf came out? Aaron is not a goldsmith. Even if he is a goldsmith, he must mold or "sample" the molten gold before he can create a golden calf. Among them, it must be approved by Aaron and handed over to the goldsmith for manufacture. There are many details to make the golden calf that need Aaron's approval. How can he downplay the crime of casting a golden calf for Israel?

What is even more ridiculous is that after the golden calf was made, Aaron announced that he would hold a festival to the Lord tomorrow. The next morning; Everyone got up and offered sacrifices for sowing seeds and peace offerings ... "(for example. 32:5-6) The high priest of the Most High God suddenly became the priest of the golden calf. Isn't he even ashamed of himself? I don't know my depravity. How can a calf who worships gold be regarded as worshipping God? How can offering sacrifices to the golden calf be said to be a festival for the Lord? Such words come from the mouth of the high priest! It can be seen how weak and incompetent the priests on the earth are, which makes people sigh. But when Aaron said these words, we can see that he was misled by the devil first, and then he stood as a religious leader and misled all Israel.

Today, there are many people in the church who are as afraid of offending others as Aaron. But not afraid to offend god. Knowing it is a sin, but tolerating it. He said he would follow the truth, but he stepped on evil. Know that the church should be different from the secular, but should go with the flow, go with the flow; Fear of unemployment, can't stand economic pressure; It makes people happy that they have no confidence in God and dare not look up and gasp for breath.

Many young preachers are content to get higher degrees, but they have little knowledge of God's Word and fail to master the Bible, so they often make mistakes in application. After misleading others, refusing to humble yourself and seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible will lead to the situation of understanding the Bible and covering up mistakes, from unintentional misleading to intentional misleading. Therefore, what can walk in the truth is not only the knowledge of truth, but also the consideration of the body, only the holy spirit; Don't ask for your own glory, just ask for the joy of God, and you will really walk according to the truth.

Betraying Moses

Scripture "Moses married an Ethiopian woman. Miriam and Aaron slandered the Ethiopian woman she had married, saying, "Does the Lord not only speak to Moses, but also to us? "The Lord heard." (Minimum value 12: 1-2)

Miriam and Aaron betrayed Moses, although compared with Korah's rebellion, it can be said that it is dwarfed; But the psychological blow to Moses was far greater than Korah's, because Aaron was his brother and Miriam was his sister, and he even publicly called him bossy. This greatly damaged the image of Moses among the Israelites. Although Moses himself is not fighting for power and status, any damage to his personality and service motivation as a spiritual leader will make the people of God lose their respectable examples and indirectly make it more difficult for Moses to lead Israel.

Although the Bible does not say that Miriam is the mastermind of slander against Moses and Aaron is an accomplice, it seems that Miriam is the only one who has been punished, and it is likely that Miriam took the initiative, and Aaron agreed: therefore, Aaron was only blamed and did not get leprosy. Some people think that Aaron was not severely punished because he was the high priest, which is unreasonable because God is more holy to those who are close to him (Leviticus. 10:3). The sacrifices made by priests for sin are more expensive than those made by officials and people for sin (Oliver. Moses was not allowed to enter Canaan because of anger. 20: 12), which proves that God will not reduce a person's punishment because of his priesthood, but will increase his punishment.

Aaron and Miriam used a very reasonable excuse to slander Moses, because they had never married a foreigner since the ancestors of Israel. In order not to marry the Canaanites, Isaac and Jacob went back to their families to get married (Genesis 24 and 28). Moses married an Ethiopian woman, so it can be said that they grasped the weakness (Moses married an Ethiopian woman, so I won't elaborate here). But God totally ignored their reasons and rebuked them, saying, "You slander my servant Moses. Why not be afraid? " Because God knows that's just their excuse, and the real reason is jealousy and power struggle. "Did not the LORD speak only to Moses, but also to us? ..... "This sentence expresses their real dissatisfaction.

God himself defended Moses. Although God also revealed to them or other prophets, God gave Moses far more than other prophets. Only Moses was the prophet of the God who predicted Christ (Deuteronomy18:18; Acts 3:22), but in fact, God kept talking to Moses, but he didn't see how Aaron and Miriam received God's message.

Today, people who serve God should not spend their calculation and spirit to criticize others. They should spend more time waiting in front of God, get close to God, pursue life and growth, and naturally receive God's word more. We will not instruct the youngest children to convey the important words of the family, but only instruct us to regard them as the most reliable and mature children. So since ancient times, God has been using his information to prove his servant. Because others are used by the Lord, God's word comes, and to envy and slander will only make your mind more tired and there is no God's message to convey. If your heart is dry and "the word of the Lord is lacking" (1 Sam 3: 1), you should not bear a grudge against those who have the word of God, but humbly ask God for mercy and let God show you what the obstacle is.

Sanliba water incident repeats itself.

Scripture (number 20: 1- 13)

Numbers 20 records that the Israelites quarreled with Moses in Kadesh, the wilderness of Zin, and begged for water. This is the second time that Israelis have made similar complaints. The first time I quarreled with Moses, it was in the evil wilderness, about forty years ago. Although the time and place are different, the same "historical tragedy" is actually repeating itself. This proves that in the past 40 years, the Israelites have not only been wandering around in the wilderness physically, but also have not improved spiritually, and have remained at the point of complaining and spying on God's actions. But most unfortunately, this quarrel led to the punishment of Moses and Aaron, who were forbidden to enter Canaan and failed to see the promised land that he had longed to see for forty years.

At this time, Moses was old, he had been wronged for forty years, and his complaints about Israel's bad words were unbearable. God told him to gather all the people and Aaron, and ordered the rock to spray water in front of them. But biblical records show that Moses did not order the rock to come out of the water, but hit it angrily. It is recorded in the Bible: "Moses and Aaron called the congregation to the rock. Moses said, listen to me, you traitors: shall I make water flow out of this rock for you? Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock twice with his staff, and a lot of water came out, and the congregation and their livestock drank. And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, Because you did not believe me and did not sanctify me in the eyes of Israel, you will not bring this congregation into the land I have given them. "(Min 2O: 10- 12)

Note: God ordered Moses and Aaron to come out of the rock, get angry in front of everyone, and hit the rock twice. But Moses and Aaron were also punished for not entering Canaan. In other words, although Aaron was not angry, he was punished together. Although Moses was the only one who was angry, God counted him as Moses and Aaron. Because verse 12 says, "The Lord said to Moses and Aaron,' Because you didn't believe me and didn't sanctify me in the eyes of Israel. "God didn't just say that Moses didn't believe him and didn't respect him. God calculated that Aaron didn't believe him and didn't respect him, so he was not allowed to enter Canaan like Moses.

Is it unfair to God? Moses sinned against God alone. Why should Aaron be punished with him? It is obvious that Moses has no respect for God. Why does it include Aaron? God will not distort justice. If Aaron has something to forgive, he won't be punished in the same way. Judging from the fact that Miriam took the lead in opposing Moses in Numbers chapter 12, Aaron was only given a lighter punishment, which proves that God's punishment is not unfair. Aaron and Moses were ordered to gather the congregation and ordered the stone to be taken out of the water, but Moses was angry with the congregation. He didn't "order the rock to come out of the water", but ran into the rock, which was a disrespect to God. Aaron should show his attitude and not make Moses angry. Besides, according to the flesh, he is Moses' brother; According to the priesthood, he was Moses' assistant; According to this order, I was assigned to Moses. He should have advised Moses and even pointed out that Moses was so angry in front of everyone, demonstrating to God or being angry with God. But when Moses sinned against God, he did not show disapproval of what Moses did, but did as Moses said. So God punished him with Moses.