Chang Guo Jun and Le Yi led five armies to attack Qi. The State of Qi sent Mozi as a general to meet the armies of governors of various countries at the water's edge. Anxious to go out, the King of Qi sent someone to touch his son and insult him, saying, "If you don't go out, I will kill your whole family and dig up your ancestral grave!" Tu Shizi was very upset and wanted to defeat the Qi army, so he went to war with the armies of various countries. As soon as the two armies confronted each other, Tushiko sounded the golden bell to retreat. The Qi army fled in defeat, and the vassal army pursued it with victory. So Tush got into a car and ran away. No one knows where he went, and no one hears his voice again. The eldest son, another general of the Qi army, led the rest of the troops stationed in the Qin and Zhou Dynasties. There was nothing to reward the foot soldiers, so they sent someone to ask the king of Qi for help. The Qi army fought with the Yan army and suffered a crushing defeat. Da Zi was killed and the King of Qi fled to Ju. Yan people chased the defeated Qi army to the capital of Qi, and in the Mei and Tang Dynasties, they fought with each other and took away a lot of money from Qi. This is an example of coveting small profits and losing big profits!