The beam of Duke Zhou's old house was broken and replaced with a new one.

Please don't be superstitious. It is just a special physiological phenomenon. This is the age of science and technology. We should believe in the power of scientific knowledge. Why do people dream? Dreaming during sleep is a life experience that almost everyone knows. Freud, a famous Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist, once pointed out: "All dreams have the same characteristics, the first is sleep." Dreams are produced in sleep, and modern research has also proved this. Modern research on sleep and dreams has found that sleep actually includes two states. One is non-rapid eye movement sleep, also called normal sleep. At this stage, there is no rapid eye movement period. Another state is called rapid eye movement sleep, also called heterogeneous sleep. At this stage, a remarkable feature is the rapid eye movement period during sleep. In the process of sleep, these two States change periodically and alternately. When sleep enters the rapid eye movement sleep stage, sleepers often dream. Up to now, most sleep laboratories report that the recall rate of dreams after waking from REM sleep is 90% ~ 95%, and some reports are lower than this figure, but the lowest is 74%. So rem sleep is also called dreamless sleep, and non-rem sleep is called dreamless sleep. Dreaming sleep and dreamless sleep are isomorphic to the whole sleep process. Therefore, dreams depend entirely on the process of sleep, which is a special phenomenon in the process of sleep. Through this explanation, I believe you know that dreaming is just a phenomenon, and there is no superstitious explanation of natural and man-made disasters. Believe that the future and science are right.