Duke Zhou, the famous Dan, is the son of Zhou Wenwang and the brother of King Wu. He was a politician and thinker in the early Western Zhou Dynasty. Because Zhou took Wang Tai as his fief, he was called Duke of Zhou.
Duke Zhou was kind, filial and versatile since childhood. When King Wen was around, he was different from those children, relying on filial piety. When King Wu ascended the throne, he received loyal support. Once, King Wu was ill, and his ministers were worried, so he asked the first king for help. "The Duke of Zhou is good at doing his own thing, setting up three altars, and the Duke of Zhou stands in the north, telling the King of Thailand, the King of Qi and the King of Wen on behalf of Bi Binggui." I would like to replace the king of Wu with myself and say, "I am skilled and versatile, and I can serve ghosts and gods."
When King Wu died and became king when he was young, Duke Zhou resolutely shouldered the heavy responsibility of "managing the country" and taught him to become king.
Duke Zhou helped the country and the country with his life. Confucius pursued the career of Duke Zhou all his life.
Duke Zhou's political thought of "respecting morality and protecting people" is the direct source of Confucian political thought. An important concept in Confucianism, "Li", also originated from Duke Zhou.
Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, people have often called it "Zhou and Kong". Tang Hanyu listed Duke Zhou as one of the key figures of Confucian orthodoxy.