In Duke of Zhou, if you dream of getting married and putting on makeup, it represents the beginning of a new life and a new stage of life. Pregnant women are about to become mothers, and giving birth to children, like getting married, is a brand-new stage of life, which needs to be faced well.
If a pregnant woman dreams of someone wearing makeup, it means that someone around her is duplicitous and pretending in front of the pregnant woman. At this time, pregnant women should always pay attention to the people around them and don't trust others too easily.
In addition, pregnant women dream of wearing makeup, which indicates that their long-standing kindness will be rewarded recently. If they wear more makeup, they will give birth to a beautiful and intelligent daughter and grow up to be a beauty.
Although science has not completely solved the mystery of fetal dreams, mothers don't have to believe in fetal dreams too much, but should treat them with a normal heart. Every baby is God's best gift to mothers. Mothers should take good care of them, take good care of their babies and raise their children, and at the same time try their best to live their own lives.