Weather forecast for today and tomorrow:
Tonight: cloudy with thunderstorms, moderate to heavy rain in the north-central part, northeast wind 2-3, lowest temperature: 22℃;
Tomorrow during the day: cloudy, northeast wind 2-3, maximum temperature: 29℃;
Tomorrow night: cloudy, southerly wind 2-3, minimum temperature: 2 1℃.
24-hour forecast for each county:
Sanhe: Thunderstorm turned cloudy, with northeast wind of 2-3, 21~ 29℃;
Dachang: Thunderstorm turned cloudy, with northeast wind of 2-3, 21~ 29℃;
Xianghe: It turns cloudy from moderate rain, and the northeast wind is 2-3, 21~ 29℃;
Gu' an: it turns cloudy from moderate rain, and the northeast wind is 2-3, 21~ 29℃;
Yongqing: The rain turns cloudy, and the northeast wind is 2-3, 22-29℃;
Bazhou: Thunderstorm turned cloudy, with northeast wind of 2-3, 21~ 29℃;
Wen 'an: Thunderstorms turned cloudy, with a northeast wind of 2-3, 22-29℃;
Big cities: Thunderstorms turn cloudy, and the northeast wind is 2-3, 22-30℃.
According to Langfang meteorological tips:
It is predicted that there will be another rainfall process in Japan on 19.
Please pay attention to the upcoming forecast.
Adjust the itinerary in advance ~
Weather in the next five days:
18 day: cloudy to cloudy, southeast wind 2-3, 29℃ ~ 22℃;
19: thunderstorm, southeast wind 2-3, 26℃ ~ 21℃;
20th: cloudy, southerly wind turns to southeasterly wind of 2-3, 30℃ ~ 21℃;
2 1 day: cloudy, southeast wind 2-3, 30℃ ~ 20℃;
22nd: cloudy, southeast wind turns to northwest wind 2-3, 30℃ ~ 20℃.