After Yue Se went to prison, because the cupbearer and baker of the king of Egypt offended their master, the king of Egypt, and provoked Pharaoh's anger, they went to prison with Yue Se, and Yue Se served them. Jiuzheng belonged to the emperor's cronies, and Wang was often afraid of being poisoned, so he gave his life to Jiuzheng, who had political influence. And Chang Fan is the person who manages Lao Wang's food.
After they were detained, one day they both had a dream the same night. Dreams are one of the important ways of enlightenment. When Yue Se came to serve them early in the morning, he saw that their faces were not very good, so he began to ask and learned that they were sad because of their dreams, because no one could explain them. Egyptians believe that interpreting dreams is a special skill. However, Yue Se said, "Don't dreams come from God? Please tell me your dream. " Yue Se believed that he was a prophet, and that God was not only with Yue Se, but also with him by revealing dreams and explaining them. Dreams emphasize God's sovereignty and control everyone's destiny.
First of all, the wine chief told the content of his dream. "I dreamed that there was a vine in front of me. There are three branches on the tree, which seem to sprout and bloom, and the grapes on them are all ripe. " Lao Wang's cup is in my hand, so I squeezed the grapes into Lao Wang's cup and handed it to him. Yue Se explained the dream to him and said, "Your dream is explained as follows: three branches are three days. In three days, Pharaoh will take you out of the prison and restore your official position. You should still put the cup in Pharaoh's hand, just as you were his cupbearer. Yue Se not only explained the content of the dream, but also explained why he was trapped here (only mentioned that he was kidnapped). He hopes that when the wine administration is going well, he can borrow the mouth of the wine administration and ask Lao Wang for help to get out of this predicament. However, after the cupbearer was reinstated, he forgot about Yue Se.
When the chef saw that the dream was well explained, he couldn't wait to explain his dream to Yue Se. "In my dream, I saw three baskets of white cakes on my head. There are all kinds of food baked by Pharaoh in the basket on the top, and birds come to eat the food in the basket on my head. " Similarly, Yue Se explained that your dream is this: three baskets are three days. In three days, Pharaoh will cut off your head and hang you on a tree, and birds will eat your flesh. Let's see, when the birds come to eat, the chef has no ability to protect the food, just as he has no ability to protect Lao Wang's food.
As a result, the third day, Pharaoh's birthday, he held a banquet for all the servants and took the chef to prison. As a result, at this birthday party, the chef was reinstated as Yue Se said. He still handed the cup to Lao Wang, but he only paid attention to the position of his chef and forgot Yue Se. The chef was hung up.