Shoes symbolize people's friends. Shoes are most commonly used to symbolize the opposite sex or marriage. As the saying goes, "Marriage is like shoes. Only you know whether it is suitable or not. " A married woman dreamed of a friend of hers. This man is a company manager, single. In the dream, he wore a beautiful suit as usual, but a big old liberation shoe. After analysis, it is concluded that she is interested in this friend and wants to divorce and marry this person, but she is worried that the other party will accept her. Because she is, for example, big, not very beautiful and married. Big shoes show that people are old. Always means married. The word "liberation" in liberation shoes means divorce. Another divorced woman had two dreams, both related to shoes. A dream, dreamed that his girlfriend gave her a pair of shoes, the shoes are yellow, yellow is the color she doesn't like, 80% new, but it fits her well. After analysis, the dream means that her girlfriend introduced her to a boyfriend, who is either old or married, but she thinks it is quite suitable. In another dream, a man gave her a pair of shoes, which were her favorite black. She tried it on, but it was also very comfortable.
Dreaming about new shoes means making new friends.
Dreaming of old shoes, you may have conflicts with your wife and be troubled by troubles. You should look for problems and mistakes from yourself in advance.
Men dream of wearing new shoes and having good luck.
Married women dream of wearing new shoes, and husband and wife will love each other.
Unmarried women who want to wear new shoes will marry a generous, intelligent and capable man.
Unmarried men dream of wearing new shoes, don't they? .....