2, father's funeral needs to hold bamboo, that is to say, although his festival has remained unchanged for four times. Mother's funeral needs to hold Ku spirit or thorn calamus and phoenix tree, which means that mother's kindness is heavy, that is, mother's pregnancy in October and breastfeeding for three years are more important than mountains; In addition, linen should be tied on the white cloth of the filial piety stick, and the filial piety stick used by the eldest grandson can be wrapped with black and white thread. If the grandchildren pass on the five colors, they will be represented by bamboo, white, blue and red, four by bamboo, white and blue, and three by bamboo and white; The filial piety stick used by the eldest grandson has the function of representing generations of the deceased. If there are no children but grandchildren, use bamboo instead of marijuana. In ancient times, walking sticks were four feet long, Qi Xin was tall and about an inch thick. For modern people, it is advisable to burn between one foot and two inches and seven inches, or burn together when seven sheets of paper are full.